Peter Sweden: IT HAS BEGUN: Italy Investigating Covid Vaccine Death | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

Peter Sweden: IT HAS BEGUN: Italy Investigating Covid Vaccine Death

This article was written by Swedish independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen, also known as PeterSweden. You can follow him at

Five doctors and medical staff are under investigation after a student died following her Covid vaccination.

Is accountability happening after all?

The Italian public prosecutor put five doctors and medical staff under investigation after an 18 year old girl died after receiving the AstraZeneca covid vaccine.

The student went to an “open day” event near Genoa in Italy on the 25th of May where she got vaccinated. She died shortly afterwards on the 18th of June in 2021.

In the autopsy they found that she did not have any previous medical conditions and she had not taken any medication. They concluded that it was likely that she died from blood clots as a result of getting the covid vaccine.

And now the doctors are under investigation.

Her death sparked outrage in Italy because it was already well known by then that the AstraZeneca covid vaccine could cause blood clots, yet she got the shot anyway.

Already in March, Italy had stopped the AstraZeneca vaccines over concerns of blood clotting side effects, but they resumed the use of them in May with the recommendation that is “preferably” should be used for people aged over 60.

But, the government in Italy at the time was pushing to get as many people vaccinated as possible.

So some Italian regions had so called “open day” events where they gave the AstraZeneca vaccine to anyone over 18, which is where this girl got her shot and later died.

The reason that they held these events might shock you.

It was aimed at preventing AstraZeneca doses from going to waste after many people very understandably cancelled their vaccination appointments after reports of the blood clot side effects came out.

Was it all about the money?

So let’s summarize what happened.

  1. It became known that the AstraZeneca vaccine caused blood clots.
  2. People didn’t want the shots anymore and cancelled their appointments.
  3. The government didn’t want to waster vaccines so they held “open day” events to give the vaccines to people anyway.
  4. This 18 year old girl died from blood clots after getting the shot at one of these “open day” events.
  5. Five doctors and medical staff were put under investigation by the public prosecutor because of her death. 

It is clear that the whole covid circus with the vaccines was a lie. We were told these shots were safe and effective, but they were neither safe nor effective. People died.

Will we finally begin to see some accountability now?

Independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen has dedicated years to reporting the things the mainstream media ignores. You can follow him at

