Rep. Keith Self: In the Face of a Black Swan Event, History is on Our Side

Photo: Bill Pugliano/Getty Images

President Biden has signaled to the world that America is weak. With feckless leaders like Vice President Kamala Harris and Cabinet Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas joining him, it is no wonder that Biden’s resolve is being tested by our adversaries.

Catherine Herridge, a former senior investigative reporter for CBS News, lit up the interwebs in December with an ominous prediction. Herridge stated, “I just feel a lot of concern that 2024 may be the year of a black swan event. This is a national security event with high impact that’s very hard to predict.”

She is not alone in her thinking. “Black swan” is becoming more and more probable with each passing day that the Biden administration projects weakness. Even the intelligence community is alert to the prospects that a crisis may be coming to America. As the probabilities increase, the anticipation grows with regard to financial collapse, widespread cyberattacks or a Deep State declared “national emergency”. Toss in the fact that it’s an election year, and the conditions are indeed suitable for a black swan event.

The Biden administration’s flawed policies have led to the atrophy of American muscle. Our military is wasting away under the strain of DEI initiatives that divert vital resources away from lethality. Our strategic petroleum reserves have been depleted. The border is open to terrorists, foreign military-age males and the dregs of other societies. The once vibrant Trump economy is spiraling downward due to record inflation, and out-of-control government spending.
Sadly, the far left is not solely to blame. Spineless Republicans, who campaigned as conservatives, are refusing to engage in the fight to prevent the radical transformation of America. Just last Friday for example, 101 Republicans joined autocratic Democrats to pass a $1.2 trillion omnibus package that funds the very programs at the core of dismantling our Constitutional Republic.

As sharks prey on America’s exceptionalism, Washington politicians continue adding chum to the waters. Their actions leave Americans pondering how to respond to the potential crisis looming on the horizon.
In the event that a black swan event occurs, it is imperative not to surrender an ounce of freedom or liberty to the demands of an authoritarian regime. The most egregious example of government over-reach in our life-time occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic when Americans exchanged their personal liberty for mandates imposed by government bureaucrats.

Following the fall of the old Soviet Union, freedom was crowding out tyranny in Russia. Seizing his moment to take control, Vladimir Putin orchestrated a black swan event under the guise of protectionism. Putin told the Russian people, “Give up your freedom to me, and I will use my power to keep Russia safe.” Nearly twenty-five years later, the Russian people remain subservient to the dictates of their iron-fisted President.

Now is the time to stand firm against tyranny, not after its tentacles have inserted their influence in every aspect of a free society. It is incumbent upon each of us to remain vigilant against impending danger by recalling who we are as a nation, founded by scrappy underdogs that defeated an army of imperial force.

The American people today are yearning for leaders who offer hope amidst the decay brought on by high energy prices, skyrocketing inflation and unending conflicts across the globe.

Leading America through the coming crisis will require a statesman like Ronald Reagan, a warrior like Dwight Eisenhower, a patriot like Abraham Lincoln or a visionary like George Washington. Each of these leaders had an unwavering determination to press on against the winds of adversity in order to do what was necessary to preserve our Republic.
Courageous leaders often emerge during moments of great need, stress, or danger. I have seen leaders arise from the unlikeliest of candidates when pressed against insurmountable odds during combat situations.

It is vital that each of us leads where we are planted and utilize our gifts to reinforce family values and strengthen our communities. These are the building blocks of America, not edicts from Washington. Get involved, and remain focused on the traditional values that are the cornerstone of our Constitutional Republic.

Don’t ever lose heart. In the face of a black swan, history is on our side. We’ve met and conquered seemingly insurmountable challenges before, and I believe we will do it again.

The post Rep. Keith Self: In the Face of a Black Swan Event, History is on Our Side appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
