MEATHEAD: Rob Reiner Now Practically Begging Taylor Swift to Endorse Joe Biden for 2024 | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

MEATHEAD: Rob Reiner Now Practically Begging Taylor Swift to Endorse Joe Biden for 2024

Noted Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferer Rob Reiner is practically begging singer Taylor Swift to endorse Joe Biden for 2024.

The liberal filmmaker seems to think that Swift holds the key to Biden’s reelection, as if her endorsement is going to make millions of Americans forget why they are planning to vote for Trump in November in rejection of Biden’s disastrous policies.

Reiner does not seem to realize the terrible optics of this. If Biden’s reelection hinges on an endorsement of Swift, what does that say about Biden? And what does all of this say about Reiner?

The New York Post reports:

Rob Reiner says he would ‘give anything’ for Taylor Swift to endorse Biden

Hollywood director Rob Reiner would “give anything” for Taylor Swift to endorse President Biden for re-election publicly.

“I’m in the midst of shooting a sequel to This is Spinal Tap. As much as I’d like Taylor Swift to do a cameo in the film, I’d give anything for her to endorse Joe Biden,” Reiner wrote on X. “She would virtually single-handedly save American Democracy.”

Reiner has been vocal about politics and social issues over the last few years. His new documentary, “God and Country,” looked at the “implications of Christian Nationalism” and how it can distort the constitutional republic of the U.S. and Christianity itself.

The “Spinal Tap” director, a longtime Democratic Party supporter, previously praised Biden as a “decent law-abiding person” and called former President Donald Trump a “pathologically lying criminal.”

Swift has not made an official endorsement, but there’s no question it would be Biden if and when she makes that public. The pop star supported Biden in 2020 and has been strongly critical of Trump.

See Reiner’s tweet below:

Reiner will never change. Archie was right.

