Underlying Accounting Activities in DA Bragg Case Are Not Crimes – There Are No Crimes, Not Even Adjusting Entries! | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

Underlying Accounting Activities in DA Bragg Case Are Not Crimes – There Are No Crimes, Not Even Adjusting Entries!

This article originally appeared on JoeHoft.com and was republished with permission and edited by The Gateway Pundit.

The case against President Trump in New York is based on accounting activities that are not crimes.  They aren’t even adjusting entries. 

At one point in my corporate career, I oversaw the financial reporting of multimillion and billion-dollar blocks of business for a US Fortune 500 corporation.  I also served as an international corporate executive in Hong Kong.  

In Manhattan DA Bragg’s case against President Trump there are no crimes.  Adjusting entries aren’t even required.

The Bragg case is based on accounting activities that the state of New York says are crimes.  As you will see below, these activities are not crimes and they don’t even make sense.

Corrupt Soros-backed DA in Manhattan, Alvin Bragg, and the Trump-hating gang of former Obama White House and Biden DOJ members like Mike Colangelo, dropped a BS indictment against President Trump in April 2023.

Below is the indictment:

Here are reasons why the indictment is totally false – no crimes exist.

1. The indictment is BS for many reasons but one of the major reasons surrounds the timing of the activities claimed to be crimes in the indictment.

The activities for which President Trump is charged all occurred after President Trump handed his multi-billion dollar organization over to the control of his sons.

President Trump Shares Joe Hoft Article on Truth Social – The Timing of Events in Soros-Backed DA Bragg Indictment of President Trump Invalidates the Entire Case

President Trump was not running his companies at the time of these events.  He had handed over control of these operations to his sons.

2. None of these activities are crimes in the first place, which is why Bragg never lists any crimes.

What a crock.

The indictment doesn’t even say what the crimes are because there are none.  (Note that Twitter will not allow me to embed this tweet).

Screenshot: X

3. Even if President Trump was running his companies at the time that these accounting entries were reportedly performed, he almost certainly had nothing to do with them in the first place.

I base this on my own experience overseeing the financial reporting for a billion-dollar block of business.  I never discussed any accounting entries with the company’s CEO.  As a matter of fact, I never made entries into the ledger myself.  I had hundreds of individuals around the globe who made entries.  Making entries was their job not mine.

My bet is that President Trump never “made and caused a false entry” into the books of his company as is stated in the indictment because he never made an entry in the books of his company.  President Trump, like me and almost all executives in Fortune 500 companies, never made accounting entries.  You can bet that President Trump never made an accounting entry in his life.

This case is lunacy.

4. The accounting entries were made years ago and the statute of limitations ended years ago.

With Hunter Biden, the DOJ waited until the statute of limitations passed before addressing his tax crimes.  With President Trump, Soros-backed Bragg ignores the statute of limitations, which passed four years ago, and makes up crimes out of thin air.

5. Bragg claims that the 2017 activities somehow impacted the 2016 election. 

Seriously, how can Bragg prove that future events impacted current events.  This makes no sense.

6.  No auditors would ever identify or make the claims made by Bragg – not in a billion-dollar business – these entries are so small they would likely never be found or addressed by an auditor.

If these were issues, then management would make adjustments, but these adjustments would not impact taxes or income since they were reported in the wrong bucket and likely didn’t impact the bottom line.  Adjustments happen all the time.  They are not crimes.

7. No auditor in 2022 would go back to 2017 and locate $100,000 in entries in a billion-dollar business. 

Auditors rely on prior years’ work in the current year.  I have never heard of an auditor going back five years when performing an audit.  Never.  There simply is not enough time.  And again, if they did, any issues identified at worst would be posted as adjusting entries.  These are not crimes.

8. It is likely that no one in history has ever been charged with a felony for receiving an invoice from a vendor.

The “felonies” listed in Bragg’s case are related to 11 payments allegedly made to crooked Michael Cohen – 11 invoices, 12 vouchers, 11 checks or wires.

Invoices are received from vendors – not made by anyone in the Trump organization – Trump has no control over the receipt of invoices.  Charging President Trump with a felony for receiving an invoice is like charging any American a felony for receiving a letter in the mail.

An invoice is sent from a vendor.  The vendor controls when it is sent.  President Trump did not commit a felony when he received these invoices or any invoices from any vendors he does business with.  They are clearly Trumped-up charges.

9. President Trump didn’t commit a felony when one of his many accountants made an entry in his books. 

Entries are made every day in the US by accountants in businesses of various sizes.  These are not crimes.  They can be addressed if they are made in error.  How can Bragg prove that President Trump intended to commit fraud on each one of these events?

10. President Trump has a multibillion-dollar business.  The likelihood of him knowing about these entries and desiring to commit fraud is nil. 

This entire case is BS.

The real criminals are the many individuals working in collusion to destroy this country and President Trump and tie him to a nasty stripper.  These people are vile.

These people who are after President Trump are involved in a conspiracy to overthrow our nation and interfere in the last and the next election. That is where the crimes are – not this. 

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