Innocent Jan 6er to Stand Trial for Defending Himself with Bull Horn from Gang Banger with Brass Knuckles | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

Innocent Jan 6er to Stand Trial for Defending Himself with Bull Horn from Gang Banger with Brass Knuckles

This article originally appeared on and was republished with permission and edited by The Gateway Pundit.

A Corrupt Orange County judge pushed forward a case where an innocent man defended himself with a bull horn from a gang banger with brass knuckles.  The innocent man is being charged for defending himself. 

Kim Sorgente attended a pro-Trump rally on December 6, 2020, in Orange County.  The event ended when gang bangers attacked the crowd and one man with brass knuckles attacked Sorgente. Sorgente is now facing charges for defending himself and the government’s star witness is the gang banger with brass knuckles who is currently on the run.

This entire incident, including a video of the event, was reported previously.  At that time, Judge Michael Murray was overseeing the case.  He somehow was removed from the case.

EXCLUSIVE: Corrupt Judge Is Abusing Jan 6 Defendant Kim Sorgente in Case Where Gang Banger Accuser Is a Fugitive

Sorgente was attacked by this gang banger with brass knuckles who has since gone AWOL.

The man above attacking Sorgente has a record. Trinidad Fernando Molina reportedly has pending charges for gang-related vandalism, use of brass knuckles, and driving on a revoked license.

Molina walks free but Sorgente is facing charges.

Last week corrupt Judge Robert Knox ordered that Sorgente stand trial.  The liberal Orange County Register reported:

A 53-year-old man already facing charges related to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot was ordered on Friday, March 29 to stand trial on charges of assaulting two people at a “Stop the Steal” rally and counterprotest outside Santa Ana College three years ago.

Kim Michael Sorgente was bound over for trial following a preliminary hearing by Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert Knox.

Sorgente, who is representing himself, argued he was acting in self-defense when he allegedly slammed a megaphone over the head of one man at the Dec. 6, 2020, protest. Sorgente, who says he lived in his car, has listed Dublin, California, as his mailing address.

Sorgente attempted to have the alleged victim in the case — Trinidad Molina — subpoenaed to testify at the preliminary hearing. During a March 22, Knox was skeptical of the relevance of Sorgente’s claims that Molina had “aggressively come at me brandishing brass knuckles and a knife.” Sorgente is accused of hitting Molina in the head with a bullhorn.

Knox said assuming Sorgente was accurate in his description, “How would that be relevant to self-defense? … I don’t see anyone with a weapon coming at you before you hit someone over the head with a megaphone. … Whatever happened down the street is not relevant.”

Sorgente is scheduled to be arraigned in the Santa Ana case on April 9.

This is another awful case of judicial abuse.  Video shows that Sorgente was attacked but the corrupt prosecutor and judge are working to have him thrown in prison.  This is not America.

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