Denver Official Caught on Video Begging Illegal Immigrants to Leave the Sanctuary City Due to Lack of Resources — Urges Them to Move to Chicago or New York (VIDEO)

Communications Liaison Andres Carrera (Facebook/9News)

A Denver city official has been captured on video begging illegal immigrants to reconsider their choice to settle in the Mile High City, with a suggestion to head to other cities like New York or Chicago for better support.

The footage, obtained by 9NEWS, shows a candid moment of concern from the city’s newcomer Communications Liaison Andres Carrera, who is also the political director for Mayor Mike Johnston (D).

The video, which aired over the weekend, reveals Carrera speaking to a group of illegal immigrants sheltered in Denver since their arrival on Tuesday.

“We are not going to block you if you want to stay here… I am here to tell you know your path is not over,” Carrera said in Spanish.

He continued with a sobering caution, “If you stay here you are going to suffer even more, and I don’t want to see this.”

Carrera’s message was clear: Denver had reached its capacity due to an overwhelming number of migrants, leading to a scarcity of resources. He suggested that cities like New York and Chicago could offer better prospects, including longer-term shelter and more job opportunities.

Carrera even offered to facilitate their relocation by providing free bus tickets to their chosen destination, with a note that while the city could assist in getting them close to the Canadian border, it would not take them across.

Despite Carrera’s earnest appeal, it appears the migrants’ reaction was not as he might have hoped. When polled on who wished to depart for another city, the response was lukewarm. Conversely, when asked who wanted to remain in Denver, a chorus of “todos” – ‘everyone’ – echoed in the room.

According to 9NEWS, Denver has a policy of housing individual migrants for two weeks and families with children for six weeks, after which they must vacate the shelters. This measure is part of an enforcement of strict limits, possibly due to looming budget cuts.

Denver is a self-described sanctuary city because of its approach to handling federal immigration enforcement. The city has embraced a policy of welcoming and including immigrants, without regard to their legal status.


The post Denver Official Caught on Video Begging Illegal Immigrants to Leave the Sanctuary City Due to Lack of Resources — Urges Them to Move to Chicago or New York (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
