LIVE UPDATES FROM INSIDE TRUMP TRIAL: TGP Contributor Paul Ingrassia Reports from Inside New York Court Room | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

LIVE UPDATES FROM INSIDE TRUMP TRIAL: TGP Contributor Paul Ingrassia Reports from Inside New York Court Room

President Donald Trump is back in court today for Alvin Bragg’s show trial in New York City.

The prosecution has yet to define the alleged criminal act that President Trump committed.

Former Trump Attorney and serial liar Michael Cohen will be grilled by the defense today after his questionable testimony earlier this week.

The Gateway Pundit contributor Paul Ingrassia is attending the ongoing show trial today in New York City today.

Paul is pictured here outside of the court room today with Andrew Giuliani before the show trial this morning.

Paul Ingrassia: is in line before the New York City Show Trial this morning.

Paul Ingrassia: BREAKING: Matt Gaetz and other members of Congress expected to join President Trump in the courthouse today.

Follow me on X for live updates from inside the courtroom!

Trump motorcade currently on its way to the courtroom. The lines outside the courthouse today were the longest they have been at any point during this trial, as the press and public anticipate seeing continuation of Michael Cohen’s cross examination today by Trump attorney Todd Blanche.

Paul Ingrassia: BREAKING: @laurenboebert also spotted in the courthouse today for President Trump’s trial.

Paul Ingrassia: Matthew Colangelo, former #3 at the DOJ, was assigned by Biden to work in Bragg’s office specifically to work on this prosecution against Trump. They like to refer to Bragg as a “rogue” D.A., but his actions are revealing: he is marching to the beat of the drum of Merrick Garland and Joe Biden — and the Colangelo contact makes that explicit. Any other criminal proceeding with these kinds of conflicts and prejudice would’ve resulted in a mistrial.

Paul Ingrassia: Judge Merchan continues to disrespect the office of the President by referring to the defendant as “Mr. Trump.”

Paul Ingrassia: There has been a long gap before the commencement of the day’s proceedings. Judge Merchan was deliberating with counsel for both parties and jurors for about forty five minutes. Merchan just announced that court might be in session next Wednesday, indicating that this trial will likely drag on for quite some time.

Paul Ingrassia: Blanche, in cross-examination, asking Cohen about text messages exchanged between him and Detective Rosenberg. Prosecutors objected to some of the inquiries. There is a long pause and further delay now in the proceeding.

Paul Ingrassia: Anecdotally, Merchan noticeably allows more objections from Prosecution of Blanche’s cross-examination. Merchan overruled basically every single objection by the Trump Defense during the questioning of witnesses Pecker, Hicks, and Daniels.

Paul Ingrassia: Blanche pressing Cohen right now if he knew about President Trump’s indictment before publication by the NY Times. Cohen claims he learned about it through an article published by the NY Times. Blanche attempting to pin down in Cohen’s testimony whether he had prior notice via Det. Rosenberg, or only found out through the NY Times. Cohen claims he only found out through NY Times.

Paul Ingrassia: Cohen being questioned about his CNN appearance and other television appearances he made with Joy Reid while indictment was still under seal. At the time, Cohen was being told by Manhattan D.A.’s office not to appear on television. Cohen appeared on his “Mea Culpa podcast,” on March 30, 2023, wherein he discussed the indictment. Cohen testified that he did. Blanche trying to get Cohen to admit that he had knowledge of the indictment before publication by the NY Times.

Paul Ingrassia: On a recording of the Mea Culpa podcast now being played in court, Cohen said D.A.’s investigation filled him with “delight” and “sadness” at the same time. The “sadness,” in the words of Cohen on the podcast recording, was because of how the investigation and booking process tarnished the office of the Presidency. Cohen clearly conveyed animus towards Trump, and a desire to drag Trump through the mud in order to subject him to a similar process that he went through with his own prosecution. Cohen on podcast: “I truly f*cking hope to put Trump through prison … I want this man to go down.”

Paul Ingrassia: Blanche gets Cohen to testify that Cohen has and continues to call President Trump vicious derogatory names up to and throughout the present trial. Cohen testified to referring to Trump as “dumbass Donald,” on his podcast. On his TikTok, Cohen testified to saying he had “excitement” that trial was starting on April 21st of this year. Cohen testified he made these statements despite having full knowledge at the time that a paralegal from the D.A.’s office was assigned to monitor his social media. Despite that fact, it was not a deterrent for Cohen, which Cohen testified to.

Paul Ingrassia: Cohen testified that he was — and remains — under oath so long as he is on the witness stand, a multiday process. Blanche grills Cohen to testify that while under oath he’s met with federal agents over a dozen times. Cohen testifies he knows it was a felony to make a false statement to a federal agent during this questioning, while he remained under oath.

Paul Ingrassia: Cohen testifies to having lied under oath in previous 2017 testimony to Congress. Cohen testified he lied about the “Moscow project,” in response to Todd Blanche’s questioning. Also lied about number of times he spoke to President Trump, and for lying about traveling to Russia.

Paul Ingrassia: Cohen testifies that he lied to President Trump in congressional testimony because of his loyalty to President Trump. Also testifies that he *knew* he was lying to Congress. Cohen testifies he lied under oath, and when he made with Special Counsel in August of 2017. Cohen lied to Congress as well that year. Cohen testifies to never pleading guilty for lying to Congress.

Paul Ingrassia: Cohen testifies he was sentenced to 2 months plus $50,000 by Judge Pauley, adding to the 36 months for which he was sentenced for other crimes he pled guilty of. Cohen accepts responsibility for having lied to Congressional committee. Said he lied out of loyalty to President Trump. Cohen testifies to also pleading guilty on August 21st to a bunch of other crimes.

Paul Ingrassia: Cohen testifies to having evaded substantial tax returns from 2012-2017. Also testifies that he received an application form that did not reveal the full extent of his liabilities for a HELOC form, and submitted the form to the bank with full knowledge that it was inaccurate. Cohen testifies to being guilty of federal tax evasion and making false statements to a financial institution. When Blanche presses him if anybody induced him to plead guilty, Cohen defers and says he feels he shouldn’t have been indicted for underlying crimes. Claims he felt pressure to plead guilty, thinking his wife would be indicted, based on what his lawyer at the time told him. Cohen claims he pled guilty without outside pressure at the time, but now testifies that he lied and did feel such pressure.

Paul Ingrassia: Here are the members of Congress appearing with President Trump today at the Manhattan courthouse. Pictured are @realannapaulina @mattgaetz @RepBobGood @RepEliCrane @RepAndyBiggsAZ and @laurenboebert

Paul Ingrassia: Cohen testifies to having lied to Judge Pauley, a federal judge, because the stakes personally affected him. Cohen testifies to having lied under oath while testifying at Congressional hearing in February of 2019. Cohen testifies to having lied about inaccurately reporting taxes in Congressional testimony at the time.

Paul Ingrassia: Blanche: Do you agree with me that when you admit to lying under oath when you pled guilty that is different from accepting responsibility for your crimes? Cohen: I don’t know why Judge Pauley made that determination. Blanche: Would Judge Pauley have wanted to know that you lied to him? Cohen: I don’t know. Blanche: There was nothing in your sentencing submission to suggest that you had lied under oath, correct? Cohen: Yes, but the submission was made before the sentence. Blanche: Does that matter? Cohen: No.

Paul Ingrassia: Blanche: You blame a lot of people over the years for your criminal conduct, correct? Cohen: Yes. Blanche: You blamed your accountant? Cohen: Yes. Blanche: Your banker? Cohen: Yes. Blanche: You blamed President Trump, correct? Cohen: Correct.

Paul Ingrassia: Blanche: Today you testified that you never asked for a pardon from President Trump, you just asked your lawyers for one? Cohen: Correct. Blanche: But you testified also that you were 100% open to accepting a pardon, correct? Cohen: Yes. Blanche: You asked Rudy Giuliani to explore the possibility of a pardon, correct? Cohen: We spoke about it. Blanche: So when you testified you would never ask for or accept a pardon, that was a lie? Cohen: At the time it was true. Blanche: The next day your lawyer admitted that you directed your lawyer to explore the possibility of a pardon, correct? To correct the record for Congress? Cohen: Correct. Blanche: So today you claim the testimony was true? Cohen: The conversation was confusing for me at the time.

Paul Ingrassia: Good to see the support. We need much, much more of this.

Paul Ingrassia: Blanche: You would’ve liked to have been offered the role of chief of staff, correct? Cohen: I would’ve liked the role. Blanche: You also testified you would’ve liked the role for White House Counsel, correct? Cohen: Yes. Blanche: Do you recall during your questioning before the House oversight committee you suggested you had wanted a role at White House? Cohen: Yes. Blanche: Do you remember telling Congress that it was a lie that you didn’t want to work in the White House? Cohen: I remember telling Congress that I didn’t want to go to the White House. Blanche: You testified you didn’t want to go to the White House and wanted to continue as his personal attorney. Even though you testified you were offered jobs, correct? Cohen: Yes, sir. Blanche: But the truth is you really wanted to work in the White House? Cohen: No, sir. Blanche: You hoped you’d be named the White House Chief of Staff, correct? Cohen: No, sir.

Paul Ingrassia: BREAKING: Former Acting Attorney General for President Trump, @JeffClarkUS, is at the courthouse today in support of his old boss. 

Paul Ingrassia: Blanche: Were you not embarrassed that after all the work you had done for President Trump over many years, you weren’t offered a job at the White House? Cohen: I merely wanted the role of personal attorney to the President. That was the role they gave to me because that was a role I could monetize, which I did. Blanche: Do you recall repeatedly expressing disappointment to Pastor Scott for not having a role in the administration? Cohen: I don’t recall. Blanche: Did you have communications with Pastor Scott about your frustration that President Trump didn’t bring you to the White House? Cohen: I don’t recall. Blanche: Did you have communications after the fact with Pastor Scott in which you expressed frustration? Including on National Prayer Day, when you observed everyone part of the campaign there and you weren’t? Cohen: I recall expressing frustration that I wasn’t there. Blanche: Do you recall asking Pastor Scott to put a good word to President Trump on your behalf, both during the campaign and after he was in the White House? Cohen: I do recall that. Blanche: Your communications to him were for Scott to put a good word in to President Trump to bring you into the White House? Cohen: I just wanted him to put in a good word for me. Blanche: Why did you ask him to put in a good word for you if you had a direct line of communication to Trump and communicated with the President regularly? Cohen: It’s always good to have a second person put in a good word for you.

Paul Ingrassia: My thoughts: Blanche has to drill into the skulls of the jurors what crime, precisely, is being prosecuted here. He should rigorously spell out the elements of the alleged crime, and remind jurors that each element must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, the highest evidentiary standard in criminal law. Without those elements, there can be no crime. So far, we are getting tangled in the weeds of a systematic and sensationalistic smear campaign involving Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen. But that has nothing to do with anything, as far as the law is concerned. This is allegedly an FEC violation, but we’re in state court. Why is that? That’s a foundational, threshold question. So far, unbelievably, no crime whatsoever has been articulated by the prosecution. Nobody knows what the felony is being prosecuted here, let alone the elements of said felony. In order to have a criminal trial, you need to define a crime. This may be the first trial in history where no crime has been articulated. This all-essential fact must be blown out of the water by the defense. It’s a slam dunk case once that is exposed.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

