WAYNE ROOT: If You’re Paying Attention, Biden Just Told Us How Democrats Plan to Rig & Steal 2024 Election. | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor

WAYNE ROOT: If You’re Paying Attention, Biden Just Told Us How Democrats Plan to Rig & Steal 2024 Election.

President Joe Biden speaks during an interview with CNN.
President Joe Biden speaks during an interview with CNN. (CNN / YouTube screen shot)

By Wayne Allyn Root

Biden did it again.

A feeble, decrepit, brain-dead, old man with dementia and diapers is running the country. Have you heard?

And people with dementia often “spill the beans.” They have no filter. So, they act like little kids- they say whatever is on their mind. Secrets come spilling out.

Pay attention to Joe Biden. He has dementia and belongs in a nursing home, not the White House. So, sometimes secrets come spilling out of his decrepit mouth.

The secret to how Democrats planned to beat Trump in the 2020 presidential election came spilling out of Biden’s decrepit mouth during the 2020 campaign.

If only we had listened and acted.

Biden said (and I quote word), “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”


That was on October 24, 2020. Don’t believe me? Watch here:


Biden spilled the beans. He told us how Democrats were going to win. They were going to rig and steal the election with voter fraud.

And they did.

They used mail-in ballots with no Voter ID; ballot drop boxes with no oversight; ballot harvesting- a scam that is illegal in every other country in the world; no signature match; and millions of illegal aliens voted too. Without Voter ID and no one asking about citizenship at the polls, it’s easy.

That’s exactly how the 2020 election was stolen. Old decrepit dementia puppet Biden told us what they planned to do, and they did it.

Biden said, “VOTER FRAUD.” Why didn’t anyone listen?

Well, old decrepit Joe has done it again. So, this time we’d better listen and take action. Because out of the mouths of little children, and decrepit old men with dementia, comes truth.

During an interview with a Spanish radio station last week, Biden referred to millions of illegal alien foreign invaders as “Hispanic voters.”

There it is. That’s the Democrat plan to steal the 2024 presidential election.

Biden also said two other telling things. He said that speaking Spanish is “America’s Future.” And he said the millions of illegal aliens who have crossed his open border into America are “the only reason our economy’s so good.”

Oh my God.

Out of “the mouth of babes” comes truth. This is the Democrat’s new updated plan to intentionally destroy America. Biden just told you.

Trump is leading by a landslide. Blacks, legal Latinos, young voters- everyone hates Biden. Everyone hates “Bidenomics” and this crappy economy. Everyone hates Biden’s massive inflation. Everyone hates the direction of America.

Polls show Biden is the most unpopular president in 70 years- worse than even Carter or Nixon. His approval on the economy and inflation is the lowest in modern history.

And that’s why Trump is leading by double digits in the most recent reliable polls. And winning all the battleground states- including my home state of Nevada by 12 points and Georgia by 10. The latest AARP poll also shows Trump pulling away in Pennsylvania.

James Carville, one of the most brilliant political strategists and soothsayers in history, had a meltdown days ago. He is losing his mind because nothing the Democrats are saying or doing can stop Trump. Not calling him “Hitler.” Not using abortion as the only issue 24/7. Not indictments, rigged trials, or even convictions. “Nothing is working,” Carville ranted like a madman.

Actually Carville is wrong. It is all working- for Trump.

But trust me, Democrats have a plan. Biden just told you. It’s called, “The Great Replacement.”

Biden (and his boss Obama- the real President) have let in millions of illegals, or as Biden just called them, “voters.” Why would anyone want to let in millions of foreign invaders, criminals, terrorists and the world’s poverty-stricken who require welfare from cradle to grave? You’d have to be insane. You’d have to be a suicide bomnber.

Because to Democrats these are all simply new Democrat voters.

Give them all $10,000 visa cards, $2,000 cash, free flights anywhere they want (without any ID necessary to board planes), free food, free healthcare, free phones and free legal services. Add in welfare, food stamps and Medicaid. Add in free public school for each illegal alien child- worth $20,000 to $40,000 per child, annually.

And then ask only one thing in return- fill out the voter registration form and vote for Biden and straight Democrat down the ballot.

And of course, no one needs to read or speak English. Conveniently, they can all vote in Spanish. That’s why Biden calls the Spanish language “America’s future.”

The open border isn’t about letting illegal aliens into America. It’s about letting Democrat voters into America.

These sheeple will vote Democrat to thank Biden for letting them in. They will vote Democrat to keep from being deported. They will vote Democrat to keep the welfare checks and food stamps coming.

Democrats know Trump is winning by a landslide with legal American citizens- including this time around with large numbers of blacks, Hispanics and young voters. So, the only way to overcome perhaps 10 to 20 million new Trump voters is to import 25 million illegal alien foreign invaders to outvote and replace the citizens.

Hence the name “The Great Replacement.”

Don’t you get it? The polls show a Trump landslide. And they’re accurate, IF we’re only counting legal American citizens. But polls don’t count illegal aliens. These poll numbers don’t include millions- perhaps 25 million- of illegal alien voters.

Add them in and Trump’s landslide lead evaporates into thin air.

This is how Democrats plan to turn a landslide Trump victory into a loss. “It’s all about the illegals, stupid.”

Biden just told us.

HOT OFF THE PRESSES: Watch Wayne’s brand new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch.

