Dirty Brad Raffensperger and Gabe Sterling Caught Rigging 2024 Election Against Donald Trump – Using the Same Tricks as Last Time! | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Dirty Brad Raffensperger and Gabe Sterling Caught Rigging 2024 Election Against Donald Trump – Using the Same Tricks as Last Time!

In November 2020 The Gateway Pundit published information on a little known YouTube video with only about 50 views at the time. In the video that was posted in August 2020, Gabriel Sterling joins in to discuss a number of things regarding the election process.

Gabriel Sterling was appointed the COO of the Secretary of State’s office by Brad Raffensperger shortly after Raffensperger was elected to the position in November 2018.

Sterling, as COO, would be in charge of budgetary, human resources and administrative operations for the Secretary of State’s office. Sterling, strangely, has also been referred to, in multiple media accounts, as Georgia’s “Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager.”

Starting at the 7:00 mark Sterling brags about expanding the emergency rule to provide for drop boxes to go through the entire election cycle now. Again this video was published in August 2020.

At the 8:00 mark Sterling brags about hiring election poll workers from the ACLU to work the elections in the state.

Gabe Sterling: “We allowed for early scanning of ballots. Those things come out of the SEB (State Election Board). And then we work with the county elections officials directly to train them, for them to train the poll workers. And this year we really stepped up a lot in terms of getting poll workers in, in the lieu of the COVID situation, we set up a portal. And as of today, working with our partners, especially the ACLU and the Metro Chamber of Commerce, we’ve already given over 6,000 names to counties for people to sign up as poll work.”

Here is the video.

How in the world did this far-left radical, Gabe Sterling, get hired as the Georgia statewide voting systems manager under Brad Raffensperger?

And what kind of Republican would partner with the ACLU to hire election workers to process absentee ballots?

Here is the entire video that is still live on YouTube.

In August 2023, investigative journalist Paul Sperry echoed our earlier reporting and confirmed via POIA records, that Fulton county officials in 2020 deputized hundreds of anti-Trump Democrats from the ACLU and gave them power to process absentee ballots.

Gabe Sterling bragged about this back in 2020.

In every battleground state in 2020 state officials hired election workers from far left groups who acted in completely lawless ways.

In Detroit, Michigan the far left poll workers threatened Republican poll workers and locked the door and boarded up the windows to prevent anyone was observing their “work” during the counting process.

WOW! They Want You to Believe This! — Biden Gained Over 1 Million Votes in Pennsylvania SINCE THE MORNING AFTER THE ELECTION!

In Philadelphia they locked out ALL Republican election observers from the counting room for days.

WOW! They Want You to Believe This! — Biden Gained Over 1 Million Votes in Pennsylvania SINCE THE MORNING AFTER THE ELECTION!

In both Philadelphia and Detroit far left election workers were allowed to drag in backpacks and suitcases into the election room.

WOW! They Want You to Believe This! — Biden Gained Over 1 Million Votes in Pennsylvania SINCE THE MORNING AFTER THE ELECTION!

In Georgia, leftist election workers were allowed to film inside the counting rooms where ballots were processed in private cubes and were scattered all over the counting room in piles!

NEW VIDEO Shows Anti-Trump Georgia Ballot Counter Ruby Freeman with Piles of Ballots, Walking Past Boxes of Ballots, Working Alone in Cubes WITH NO GOP OBSERVERS IN SIGHT!

And now this...
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his sidekick Gabe Sterling are already working with a Soros-funded group to ensure that only leftist election workers will be hired in Georgia this year.

Is the Republican Party paying attention?

Natalie Winters at The War Room reported:

George Soros and a slew of anti-Trump activists are backing an effort to recruit poll workers for the 2024 election in collaboration with state election offices.

Founded in 2020, Power The Polls appears to be gearing up for the 2024 election, recently announcing a new Advisory council to roll out a vast army of poll watchers ahead of November. The group boasts of recruiting over 700,000 poll workers for the 2020 election and is currently working with state election offices including Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger ahead of the 2024 election.

Politico noted that Power the Polls was "stood up” by the Open Society Foundation, the hub of Soros’ political activism and far-left giving. A deeper investigation reveals the group is part of Work Elections, which is a project of the Fair Election Network. In turn, the Fair Election Network is backed by the New Venture Fund, the leading billion-dollar dark money group supports President Joe Biden and counts Soros among its donors.

Similarly, individuals from far-left activist organizations that have received funds from Soros-linked groups including the Open Society Foundation and New Venture Fund such as the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition, llumiNative, and the Civic Rights Responsibility Project are on the advisory council.

While Power The Polls, which describes itself as the "nonpartisan leader in poll worker recruitment” claimed the new 14-member group was a "bipartisan” effort, its lack of any pro-Trump activists suggest otherwise. Furthermore, the council is co-chaired by actress Kerry Washington and infamous critic of President Trump Rep. Adam Kinzinger...

...Even more concerning, however, is the participation of current election officials including Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his Chief Operating Officer Gabriel Sterling. It remains unclear the scope of Power the Polls’s influence over these offices. Nevada Secretary of State Francisco Aguilar, for example, is also involved, alluding to collaboration between his office and Power the Polls: "By connecting election officials with potential poll workers, Power the Polls helps jurisdictions across the country serve voters and ensure safe and fair elections.”

Brad Raffensperger and Gabe Sterling are up to their old tricks again to do all they can to steal the 2024 election from Donald Trump. Why not? It worked last time.

Republicans, are you paying attention?

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft's articles here.

