Michigan Democrats accuse GOP Senate candidates of signature fraud – Washington Examiner

Michigan Democrats are accusing Republican Senate candidates of signature fraud, and have filed a complaint to the state’s Board of State Canvassers.

The complaint alleges that nominating petitions of several GOP candidates for U.S. Senate have fraudulent signatures on them. The Board of State Canvassers cannot validate a candidate unless they have 15,000 legitimate signatures from Michigan voters.

“The apparent fraud uncovered demands an immediate investigation of the Republican Senate candidates’ nominating petitions,” Lavora Barnes, Michigan Democratic Party chairwoman, said.

A review of the petitions named four candidates: former Reps. Mike Rogers (R-MI), Justin Amash (R-MI), and Peter Meijer (R-MI) along with businessman Sandy Pensler. Meijer has already withdrawn from the race.

“This antidemocratic stunt perpetuated by Slotkin’s allies failed and won’t cover for the misery the Biden-Slotkin agenda has inflicted on Michigan working families,” Chris Gustafson, communications director for the Rogers campaign, said. He’s referring to Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI), who is considered the front-runner in the Democratic Senate primary.

Pensler commented on the alleged violation as well.

“Democrats can’t beat Republicans at the ballot box, so it looks like they are trying to eliminate Republicans from the ballot. Sandy Pensler turned in over 26,000 signatures. He clearly qualifies for the ballot which is why no timely challenge was filed,” Stu Sandler, a spokesperson for Pensler, said.

Allegations of signature fraud are not uncommon. Democrats and Republicans have alleged the same in the past in order to get opponents removed from the ballot for violations.


The complaint alleges “at least five” different markers of fraudulent signatures ranging from voters’ “names appearing across multiple candidates’ petitions in different handwriting with errors in addresses and spelling,” to evidence “of a ‘round-robin’ scheme, which refers to instances of signature gatherers for different campaigns taking turns signing candidates’ petitions from names on a voter list.”

The primary for both parties takes place on Aug. 6.
