President Trump Takes the Stage at NRA Convention: “Their Dreams of Taking Away Your God-Given Rights Will Die When the Polls Close on November 5th, 2024” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by David Greyson

President Trump Takes the Stage at NRA Convention: “Their Dreams of Taking Away Your God-Given Rights Will Die When the Polls Close on November 5th, 2024” (VIDEO)

President Trump took the stage to a patriotic crowd at the 153rd Annual NRA meeting in Dallas, Texas. He was officially endorsed by the NRA for President of the United States.


“The NRA has stood with me from the very beginning, and with your vote, I will stand strong for your rights and liberties and four more years in the White House. We are gonna do things like no body could believe. We are gonna turn our country around. We are gonna quite simply make America great again,” President Trump told the crowd.


President Trump also called out Joe Biden for all the lies he keeps telling everyone whenever he speaks.

“He said I used to drive an 18 wheeler. When the truckers come in that’s what he says. When the pilots come in, ‘I used to fly a plane.’ No it’s true, misinformation. I was gonna say he’s full of bullsh** but I don’t want to use bad language,” Trump humorously said of Biden.


President Trump also spoke with conviction about protecting the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution.

“With me in the White House the radical gun grabbers will run straight into a very very powerful brick wall. Their dreams of taking away your God-given rights will die when the polls close on November 5th, 2024. Those dreams that they have will be dead. They will be dead dreams,” Trump said.


Trump 2024!

