Shock Poll: Young Voters Break for Trump on Two Top 2024 Issues

Shock Poll: Young Voters Break for Trump on Two Top 2024 Issues

While younger folks are typically expected to lean left — given their long history of voting for Democrats in the 20th and 21st century — the abysmal administration of President Joe Biden may be turning the tides on that historic trend.

The youngest voters have long been infamous for both their love of liberalism and disdain of conservatism.

Whether it was the hippie movement that heavily involved protests against the war in Vietnam or the modern anti-Jewish protests at colleges, the young minds of America lean toward the blue party.

The youth are also far more likely to buy your standard Democrat lie — untruths like student loan forgiveness and universal healthcare.

Data supports this as well, as an April report from the Pew Research Center found that nearly double the amount of 18- to 24-year-old voters leaned Democrat rather than Republican.

It wasn’t until getting to the 50- to 59-year-olds that they became more right-leaning than left.

Despite this inherent advantage with younger voters, other data shows that Biden may not want to bank on those votes for the 2024 general election.

Research group Blueprint conducted a poll to find what issues voters found most important ahead of the November election.

The poll was conducted from April 27 to April 29, and an online sample of 943 voters aged 18-30 were surveyed by Blueprint. The margin of error is 5.8 percentage points.

Unsurprisingly, the youth widely leaned towards the sitting president when it came to handle issues such as healthcare and corruption, but there were two major exceptions.

When it came to lowering prices and securing the border, most young voters were on the side of former President Donald Trump.

“As we’ve already talked about, young voters are much closer ideologically to Joe Biden than they are to Donald Trump,” Evan Roth Smith, the lead pollster for Blueprint, said, per Washington Examiner.

“But, the two biggest issues of this election, inflation and immigration, it’s very notable that with young voters — those are the only places Donald Trump has an advantage.”

To make matters worse for Biden, when asked what they considered their top issues, topics like inflation and the economy ranked near the very top.

When asked specifically what they wanted to see changed about the economy, the overwhelming majority of respondents (50 percent) said they wanted to see lower prices on goods.

Only 13 percent of those same respondents believe that was something Biden was focused on compared to 32 percent who believe it was something Trump was focused on.

While Trump is still far from popular among the youth, especially those in college, taking away two major issues from Biden is a massive deal in what will assuredly be a competitive general election.

As America continues to edge closer to the election, every vote becomes more and more important.

Any number of voters that typically vote Democrat flipping to the Republican option can easily be a feather in the cap of Trump, and a costly loss for a deeply unpopular incumbent president.

It makes perfect sense this would happen as well.

In 2020, many disenfranchised young people were told (by the media and the left) that they wanted something different from the Trump administration, and that “something different” was Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.

But now those same young people have lived through the Biden administration and seen that it is objectively worse in every metric compared to the Trump years.

President Biden no longer has the benefit of the doubt and the youth can see that.

When major issues like the economy and border security are present, Americans of all ages need to vote for the candidate who will take a step in the right direction.

That is not Joe Biden.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

