“He’s Standing Up for You, Even if You Don’t Know It!” – Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick SHUTS DOWN Horrible Leftist Media Hack Outside Trump Lawfare Trial (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

“He’s Standing Up for You, Even if You Don’t Know It!” – Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick SHUTS DOWN Horrible Leftist Media Hack Outside Trump Lawfare Trial (VIDEO)

President Donald Trump is back in court today for the ongoing Alvin Bragg- Juan Merchan – Joe Biden show trial of the former president and leading candidate in the 2024 election.

Robert Costello will complete his testimony on Tuesday. Costello is expected to be the last witness before the defense rests its case.

The prosecution has yet to define the alleged criminal act that President Trump committed.

Today, President Trump is joined by several members of Congress, Senator Eric Schmitt (R-MO), actor-comedian Joe Piscopo, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Sebastian Gorka, former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, and Donald Trump, Jr.

During a break today in the Democrat Party’s show trial, the Trump supporters at court today went outside and held a press conference.

Several members of the Trump entourage spoke to the assembled fake news reporters.

When Dan Patrick took the microphone he was confronted by a fake news lackey who accused President Trump of being a member of the elitist class!  Dan Patrick let her have it!

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: Dan Patrick, Lieutenant Governor of Texas. When is Michael Cohen going to be indicted? He stole $60,000. Do your job. That should be the headline. Number two, Alvin Bragg should be indicted. He brought someone as a witness in a case with someone he knew had committed a crime. He should be indicted. So headline, please. Where are you, Alvin Bragg? Who’s going to indict him? Who’s going to indict Michael Cohen? Look,

We are here to defend our Constitution, our freedoms. We are here because we are friends of Donald Trump, the President of the United States. When a friend has trouble, friends have his back. The way he has been treated, you would see in Russia, you would see in China, you would see in North Korea, you would see in every little tin pot dictatorship across the world.

That’s what we have here in New York, in America. If they can go after The former President of the United States of America who has the ability and the financial resources to fight back, what happens to the average America? What happens to any of you? If the courts in New York come after any of you because of something you said, because you said something the ruling class didn’t like. That’s what all these other countries are about.

They shut down the ruling class. They want to be sure that anyone that speaks up against the ruling class disappears. They want Donald Trump to disappear. They want to send him to jail. They want to take him off the main stage because they know he’s their biggest danger to take the ruling class down.

Leftist Reporter: But isn’t Donald Trump the ruling class?

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick: No, Donald Trump is not the ruling class. Donald Trump is for every New Yorker. He’s for every Texan, every state. Donald Trump has put his whole life on the line, his whole life on the line for the American people. When he came down that escalator, he probably had no idea that he was going to be called to be the man in the gap to stand up for Americans. He’s standing up for you, even if you don’t know it. I don’t know who’s next.

Sebastian Gorka: So would a member of the ruling class be facing 730 years in prison? What a pathetic question. 730 years in prison, and he’s a member of the elite? That’s pathetic. You’re not a journalist.

Sebastian Gorka came in for cleanup.  Nice work.

Here is the entire exchange – video from War Room.


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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

