Border bill boxes in Senate progressives as Schumer forges ahead with doomed vote – Washington Examiner

A failed bipartisan border security measure is on track to receive even less support the second time around when Democrats put it up for another vote in the Senate later this week.

Nearly all Republicans are lined up in opposition while several progressive Democrats indicate they still oppose the bill that was previously attached to a foreign aid package for Ukraine and Israel but failed in February after a GOP revolt.

Sen. Alex Padilla (D-CA) was “disappointed” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is holding a second vote without changes to the legislation for pathways to citizenship as Democrats try to put the squeeze on Republicans in an election year on a contentious policy issue.

“I certainly hope this is not the new starting point for Democrats when it comes to border or immigration negotiations,” Padilla told the Washington Examiner. “We’ve already voted on it, and it’s already gone down. Time for a new plan.”

The measure, which was the byproduct of months of bipartisan negotiations and centers on restricting illegal immigration and expanding deportations, does not include protections for pathways to citizenship for those who came to the United States illegally as children, known as “Dreamers.”

“This is a price that a lot of my Democratic colleagues were willing to pay months ago in order to ensure we delivered funding to Ukraine. That’s been done,” Padilla said.

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) said he will oppose the legislation after initially voting for it because legal pathways are not included and that it would ultimately fail to “address the root causes of regional migration” and illegal crossings. In a statement, he slammed Republicans for previously opposing it, saying he was “appalled” and that it was the “height of hypocrisy.”

“I remain committed to pursuing common sense, bipartisan legislation to modernize our immigration system so that it aligns with our most fundamental values,” Booker said.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said she’ll reject the bill for a second time when it comes to a vote on Thursday.

“We need border security and a pathway to citizenship for people who are here. The two should be tied,” Warren told the Washington Examiner. “That’s what my vote reflects.”

The bill’s February vote was 49-50 but required 60 senators to pass. Five members of the upper chamber’s Democratic caucus voted against, including Padilla, Warren, Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), and Ed Markey (D-MA). Just four Republicans voted in favor: Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Susan Collins (R-ME), and James Lankford (R-OK).

Sanders told the Washington Examiner he was undecided on his vote this week but that his previous opposition was because of military aid to Israel that was attached.

Schumer suggested the border security bill that once had bipartisan backing would be easier to accomplish than measures pushed by progressives to expand legal citizenship.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) meets with reporters at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, May 15, 2024. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Lankford, the bill’s lead GOP architect, told the Washington Examiner last week he’ll vote against what he called Democrats’ “nonserious” effort to pass stronger border security. McConnell will also oppose.

Collins disparaged Democrats’ handling of the issue but remained “uncertain” about how she’ll vote.

“It’s clearly just a messaging ploy by the Democrats, which is unfortunate because we have a real problem,” Collins told the Washington Examiner.

Despite its doomed prospects and the potential for an even worse defeat on the Senate floor, Schumer is forging ahead.

“All those who say we need to act on the border will get a chance to show this week that they’re serious about fixing the problem,” Schumer told reporters. “They’ll get a chance to show whether they’re just talking points to them or whether they want to improve the status quo.”

President Joe Biden phoned McConnell and House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) on Monday about the legislation, in which the president told the Republicans to “stop playing politics and act quickly,” according to the White House.


McConnell and his deputies doubled down on what’s been Republicans’ main response: Biden can take executive action to curb the illegal immigration crisis anytime he pleases.

“Mr. President, you caused this problem. If there’s no legislation that allowed the problem to be fixed, why don’t you just renew what the previous admin was doing, which got the border in decent shape?” McConnell told reporters. “Going to a border bill right now is just a gimmick, a way to try to convince the American people they’re concerned about this when they caused it.”

David Sivak contributed to this report.
