Ben Carson predicts inroads with black and young voters will be the ‘salvation’ in Trump victory – Washington Examiner

EXCLUSIVE — Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson predicted a victory for former President Donald Trump in November, citing inroads with black and young voters.

In an interview with the Washington Examiner, Carson expressed his full confidence that Trump will win the 2024 election, citing his supporters’ enthusiasm and growing inroads with traditionally Democratic voters.

“I think Trump is making major inroads with all demographic groups in our country, including black voters,” Carson said. “They recognize that they were better off with his administration than they are now.”

Dr. Ben Carson sits down during an interview with the Washington Examiner. (Haisten Willis/Washington Examiner).

A key advantage Trump has, Carson argued, is that people are able to compare his and President Joe Biden‘s performances in real time.

“Traditionally, people have been able to just, by overwhelmingly telling them one story … they just pretty soon accept that story as true,” Carson said. “Here, you have a situation where you have two administrations juxtaposed in very close proximity. So [voters] actually remember very vividly what was going on two or three years ago, versus somebody saying, ‘Well, that was 20-30 years ago.’ You can’t do that this time. So you’ll be able to compare apples with apples.

“You will know that your utility bills are astronomical now and that, even though you might be making more money, you’re having more difficulty paying them,” he continued. “And no one can change that with some sweet words.”

Another major factor that plays into Carson’s 2024 prediction is the enthusiasm of Trump supporters, especially students.

“I’ve been very impressed,” Carson said. “I’ve visited different universities, and seeing the enthusiasm of the students … a few weeks ago at Texas A&M, we had to turn hundreds of students away. Just couldn’t get them in there. And their level of understanding of what’s going on is impressive.

“They recognize that we can’t continue on this course and be successful,” Carson continued. “They realize that the American dream will elude them, will elude their children, as we continue down this pathway of destruction. I truly believe that the young people may end up being the source of salvation for this country.”

In contrast, he said, many older voters are “stuck in the mud.”

“They say, ‘Wow, FDR and all these people, they were so good, and Democrats are wonderful people,’ without actually looking for themselves at what’s happening,” Carson said.

Carson further argued that crime and immigration are becoming more visible in the public eye — and both are factors that will play into Trump’s favor. Overall, he believes the southern border and the economy will be the deciding issues in November.

“Those are the things that have immediate effects on everybody,” he said. “Every state is a border state. Now with the impact — I mean, we’re talking about millions of people.”

Immigration has immediate and long-term concerns, in Carson’s view, and he warned of the transformation of the electoral structure if enough migrants are brought in.

“Now, I don’t think that most of the voters think at that level … immediately — what’s going on in my community, what’s affecting my safety, what’s affecting my ability to have a quality lifestyle? — but you do have to look at those bigger-picture issues,” he said. “Because it’s going to be a big deal. You can’t let 20 or 30 million people into the country and it not have an impact. We haven’t seen the impact yet, but it’s coming.”

The former HUD secretary concluded by citing his Christian faith as the main reason for his optimism about the country’s future.


“I think all of those things together will save us, but I also have a perspective that many people don’t have, and that is faith in God,” he said. “If he was willing to save Sodom and Gomorrah for 10 people, I think we’ve got this.”

Carson was among the first to endorse Trump in the 2024 race and has been rumored as a vice presidential pick.
