FACT CHECK: Is The US Transferring Weapons To Israel Through The Gaza Pier?

A post shared on X claims that the United States delivered weapons to Israel through the Gaza pier.

Reports that the US aid pier in Gaza is being used to deliver military equipment to Israel pic.twitter.com/BmbKNLNZJU

— What the media hides. (@narrative_hole) May 23, 2024

Verdict: Misleading

There is no evidence for this claim. A Department of Defense spokesperson said the claim was false.

Fact Check:

Social media users are claiming that the U.S.-built Gaza pier is being used to deliver military equipment to Israel. One user wrote, “Reports that the US aid pier in Gaza is being used to deliver military equipment to Israel.”

There is no evidence for this claim. No media outlets have reported that the U.S. was transferring military equipment through the pier. The aid that has been delivered through the pier has begun to be handed out by the United Nations, according to The Associated Press.

The Department of Defense has not said that they were moving military equipment to the Israelis through the pier. A Department of Defense spokesperson told Check Your Fact that the claim was false.

A State Department spokesperson told Check Your Fact that the post was “a false claim.”

“The maritime route is only to deliver humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza. It has no other purpose.  As was previously mentioned, the corridor is additive, and is not meant to replace land routes into Gaza.  This is an internationally backed effort led by the United States in coordination with the United Nations,” the spokesperson said.

One user pointed to American military equipment present at the pier. The U.S. does have defensive military equipment around the pier. For example, the C-RAM (Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar) has been installed and was seen test firing on the pier recently.

A new video from the American floating pier just south of Gaza City shows a C-RAM in action. The C-RAM is meant to down projectiles and drones. They may just be testing the system here.

First video posting I found: https://t.co/0upOUxGQGX pic.twitter.com/GQGdrtSnN0

— Aric Toler (@AricToler) May 22, 2024

Other defensive equipment include an M-LIDS counter-drone vehicle. (RELATED: Video Claims To Show US Destroyer Hit By Houthi Missile)

Theres a better look at the Gaza pier. In addition to the M-LIDS vehicle spotted earlier, there is also a C-RAM vehicle next to it. pic.twitter.com/0uswHdDUB0

— Britsky (@TBrit90) May 19, 2024

Hamas has said it rejects the presence of any military in the Gaza Strip, according to the Guardian. Palestinian militants launched mortars at the marshaling area for the pier in April, The Washington Post reported.

Check Your Fact reached out to the Israeli Prime Minister’s office for comment.
