This Video Right Here is Why The Gateway Pundit is Under Constant Assault and Lawfare Attacks by the Tyrannical Left…

Republicans will need a well-defined strategy to defeat the fraud we witnessed in the 2020 election: Ballot stuffing in Georgia, late-night drops in Detroit, and blocking GOP observers in Michigan.

Since November 3, 2020, no one has provided as explosive, honest and courageous reporting on the stolen 2020 election as The Gateway Pundit website.

The Gateway Pundit provided exclusive videos of late-night ballot deliveries. We revealed unexplainable ballot totals and impossible ballot ratios. The Gateway Pundit provided criminal stuffing of drop boxes and police reports of massive ballot registration fraud. And TGP reported on thousands of unverified ballots being stuffed through machines.

It was The Gateway Pundit that also provided hard evidence of election workers crashing into a counting room after observers were removed and running stacks of ballots through the machines three and four times each.

The tyrannical left hates us for this. The threatened elites used lawfare in an attempt to silence The Gateway Pundit.

On Tuesday, Wall Street Apes posted a video of a very well-informed New York voter and Trump supporter speaking with a New York Times reporter.

During the interview, the MAGA New Yorker schooled the NY Times reporter on issue after issue.

Here is the full video. The transcript is below:

Here is part of this amazing segment.

“You guys are going to see in 2024 when there’s a Red Wave and there’s a landslide, what’s going to happen. And if you guys try it again with what happened with the last election, with the cheating and the changing the votes at three o’clock in the morning. The suitcases coming in people running both through the machines more than once we’re tired of it. We’re done

We’re voting for Trump. We’re gonna we’re gonna be voting red all the way down ticket.”

Illegal Immigrants “They get a check, they get a phone. While people in this country are starving, barely able to make it, yet again, not you in particular, but your organization likes to paint a false narrative. And we’re tired of it. Yeah. American people are tired of it”

“A lot of people feel the same way that I do but we get ostracized if you say anything right you think because it’s New York and yeah I mean listen you can be black you can be Hispanic and you’ll be considered a white supremacist if you agree with Trump

You guys are ridiculous.”

— “The biggest issue is the border. We can’t support these people. You have this moronic mayor that we have here in New York City. He wants to hire illegals to be lifeguards.

This is clown world that we’re in right now.”

— “Everything that was made up about this guy was a lie. The so-called, what was it, the piss tape from Russia. Oh, he had hookers pissing on him in a hotel room. It was all false. Hillary Clinton paid for that tape, if I’m not mistaken. It’s all BS, and people are tired of it. The veil is being lifted, and you guys are gonna see in November when we go to the polls.”

“You guys are gonna get your feelings hurt badly. And you know what? I can’t wait, because I’m gonna stand outside in Manhattan with my coffee mug, and I’m gonna let the liberal tears just drip into my coffee, and I’m gonna take a nice sip of it.”

From the interview, you can tell this informed voter knows what happened in Georgia late at night on Election Day 2020 – “And if you guys try it again with what happened with the last election, with the cheating and the changing the votes at three o’clock in the morning. The suitcases coming in people running both through the machines more than once we’re tired of it. We’re done.”

The man is talking about the famous vote fraud video in Fulton County, Georgia, on election night.

Anyone who saw the video came away with the same conviction: What they saw was wrong, and what they saw was cheating.

Today, The Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft, and Joe Hoft are being sued by the tyrannical left for exposing this video from Georgia.

We are being punished by the regime for showing the truth to the American public.

We cannot say much today as this case continues. But someday, we will speak LOUDLY and we will share the TRUTH.

This is why the left attempts to ruin us and silence us.

We will not back down. We will always speak the truth to you, our readers, and for our blessed America.

The post This Video Right Here is Why The Gateway Pundit is Under Constant Assault and Lawfare Attacks by the Tyrannical Left… appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
