EXCLUSIVE: Comer Targets Funding For Radical, Pro-Hamas Student Group Backing Campus Protests

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer sent a letter Wednesday to National Students for Justice in Palestine, calling on them to provide the committee with information regarding any possible funding of pro-Hamas propaganda and encampments on college campuses across the U.S.

The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the letter, in which Comer says the committee will be conducting oversight of the funding sources for groups supporting “illegal encampments” on college campuses and “antisemitic rhetoric” that have taken across the country for months. National Students for Justice in Palestine is “founded and controlled” by American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), the letter alleges.

“The Committee on Oversight and Accountability is conducting oversight of the funding sources of groups supporting illegal activities across the country, including at institutions of higher education, by individuals spouting pro-Hamas propaganda and engaged in antisemitic harassment and violations of the civil rights of Jewish students. Since the October 7, 2023, terror attack on Israel by Hamas, antisemitic incidences have skyrocketed in the United States,” Comer writes in the letter. (RELATED: Squad Dems Reps. Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush Vote Against Bill Banning Hamas Terrorists From US)

“At illegal encampments on college campuses, many individuals have championed antisemitic rhetoric calling for the elimination of Jewish people from Israel, employing ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’ and ‘Death to Israel’ as rallying cries. The Committee is particularly concerned that organizations promulgating pro-Hamas propaganda and engaging in illegal activities at institutions of higher education might be receiving funding or other support from foreign or domestic sources which support the aims of Hamas or other foreign terrorist organizations. We therefore seek documents and information from your organization to facilitate oversight into how pro-Hamas propaganda and illegal encampments are being funded,” he continues.

(DAILY CALLER OBTAINED) — … by Henry Rodgers

Here Is What Comer Calls For In The Letter: 

  • All documents and communications related to National SJP’s funding.
  • All documents and communications related to any National SJP policy, procedure, or standard operating practice to conduct due diligence or otherwise ensure that funding received by National SJP complies with all relevant laws related to terrorist financing.
  • All documents and communications related to the October 7, 2023, terrorist attack by Hamas, including, but not limited to, documents and communications related to National SJP’s public facing responses to the October 7, 2023, terrorist attack by Hamas.
  • All documents and communications related to the promotion by National SJP of illegal activity or activity providing material support to terrorist organizations including, but not limited to, Hamas.
  • All documents and communications, regardless of topic, created on or sent between October 6, 2023 – October 8, 2023, inclusive.

“AMP has substantial ties to Hamas via its financial sponsor, Americans for Justice in Palestine Educational Foundation, Inc. (AJP), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. AJP is currently under investigation by the Virginia Attorney General for violating state charitable solicitation laws and ‘benefitting or providing support to terrorist organizations.’ Reportedly, current AMP board members have been involved in fundraising for Hamas charities … AMP is also linked to the Holy Land Foundation (HLF), which sent approximately $12.4 million outside the U.S. to support Hamas. Like the [Islamic Association of Palestine] IAP, HLF was founded by members of Hamas senior leadership and was shut down due to five of its officers being convicted for terror financing,” Comer adds. “We therefore seek documents and information from your organization to facilitate oversight into how pro-Hamas propaganda and illegal encampments are being funded.”

Comer calls for the information to be provided to the committee no later than June 12 in the letter. Protests continue to take place at college campuses across the U.S.

Earlier in May, Tennessee Republican Rep. Andy Ogles introduced legislation to send Hamas-sympathizing student visa holders home and told Hamas-Sympathizing student visa holders to “go study abroad in Gaza.” (RELATED: ‘Amateur Hour’: Biden Admin’s Floating Gaza Pier Problems Go From Bad To Worse)

The Caller first obtained a copy of the legislation, which is titled the Study Abroad Act. The bill would specifically “revoke the F, J, or M visa” of any alien who authorities have “arrested for rioting or unlawful protest,” or who authorities have “arrested while establishing, participating in, or promoting an encampment” at an institute of higher education.
