Alex Jones: The Justice Department ‘Is Weeks From Shutting Down Infowars’ | The Gateway Pundit | by Alicia Powe

Alex Jones: The Justice Department ‘Is Weeks From Shutting Down Infowars’

Embattled Infowars founder Alex Jones warns the Justice Department is attempting to shut down his Infowars broadcast and put him in prison, cautioning viewers the move can happen any day now.

Jones said he refrained from publicly disclosing the extent he and his family have been persistently probed by federal agents.

“I have not talked about on air yet what is happening behind the scenes — because it’s not time to do it yet for a lot of reasons the legendary talk show host told viewers on a live transmission of The Alex Jones Show on Saturday. “But I have been very honest with the crew.

“As Americans, we tend to think we still live in a free country. You don’t. And the type of deceptive people we deal with is next level. But I believe in the power of prayer. I don’t believe it — I rely on it. I know it.

“So, if Infowars is meant to continue on — because they are weeks away from shutting it down, maybe next week. Maybe tomorrow. I can’t tell you what’s going to happen. But I’ve got to get all the documents and I’m so busy being on air and doing everything else. I’ve got to get all the documents together, I’ve got to get ready to explain all this. But it’s horrible.” 

The attack by the Biden administration’s DOJ is a spiritual war between good and evil and an imminent existential threat to the United States, Jones argued.

“But it’s what we should expect because we are taking on the devil, folks. The orders have been given to take us off the air,” he said. “It won’t take me off the air. It will hurt the crew. This is a great place. They see it as a symbol. But it’s like Darth Vader– it’s literally that. They don’t even get third, or fourth-level order events. We do.”

“I’m fighting against treachery you wouldn’t believe. The Justice Department and the CIA– and it’s all going to come out. There will be congressional hearings. Because when this all turns, and its turning, it will bring them down.”

It remains unclear why the intelligence agencies are targeting Jones and his family. While Jones has not been charged for demonstrating in Washington, DC, and had press credentials to broadcast inside the Capitol building on January 6, the Infowars founder and his network alongside President Donald Trump have remained a focal point for federal prosecutors and so-called Sedition Hunters who build the FBI’s cases against Americans who protested at the J6 Stop the Steal rally.

Prosecutors in the Proud Boys seditious conspiracy trial repeatedly exhibited video excerpts of Jones interviewing the defendants who were convicted of seditious conspiracy and reprimanding the defendants characterizing themselves as “the tip of the spear” alongside the Infowars network.

Infowars host Owen Shroyer, who never stood foot in the Capitol building and warned the crowd not to go in, committed violent crimes during the Capitol riot. In September, Judge Timothy Kell scolded Shroyer at his sentencing hearing for having no remorse for protesting the certification of Joe Biden’s election victory and sentenced the War Room host to three months in prison in solitary confinement.

Former Infowars reporter and decorated Army combat veteran Joseph Biggs is serving a 17-year prison sentence in FCI Talladega after being convicted of seditious conspiracy and 1512 obstruction of an official proceeding, punishable by a 20-year prison sentence. Prosecutors sought 33 years to life for Biggs, who committed no violent crimes at the riot, for wrongthink.

Former Infowar reporter Sam Montoya, who filmed the murder of Ashli Babbit was sentenced to home detention for reporting on the scene.

US Attorney Matthew Graves commemorated the third anniversary of J6 urging the public to “continue helping ID Capitol riot supsects” and announced the DOJ was expanding its J6 probe to target thousands of Americans who were around the Capitol on January 6 but did not enter the building.

Jones is also in the midst of a legal battle that has spanned for nearly a decade with the families of those killed in the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting. Families of those killed continue to level threats against Jones for failing to pay them $1.5 billion in damages – that he does not have.

Last year, Jones resigned to filing for bankruptcy for himself and his company Free Speech Systems after he was ordered by a Connecticut jury to pay $965 million in damages to 15 relatives of the victims and an additional $473 million to the judgment in attorney’s fees for spreading “misinformation.”

The creator has managed to stay on the air and maintain Infowars amid sweeping and unprecedented attempts to censor and ban his organization and broadcast by big tech, the corporate press and US the government.

Americans are “no longer asleep,” so the enemy is desperate to ramp up the attacks, Jones contends:

The level of the persecution is spectacular. And the level of deception is amazing,” he continued. “You just need to know that while I’m here with you you shouldn’t take one of these shows for granted. We are doing things the enemy can’t stand that irrevocably damage their operations.

I was raised up to do this. It’s all God. I have total confidence in the mission. We are going to save the planet, we are going to go interplanetary, we are going to defeat this. And if I got to get hurt to get that done, it’s an honor to do it. But I have to be honest with you and let you know its bad. Bc they dont’ just threaten you, they threaten my family. And I’m so proud of my father and mother and my wife and others, with what they’ve done to them behind the scenes.

I thought when they attacked them and threatened them, they wouldn’t be this strong. And instead they said, ‘Come home with your shield, or on it.’

Three weeks ago, my mother said — she’s a big historian, she’s got a degree in it — she said, ‘Come home with your shield or on it.’ She said, ‘I don’t care,’ — they don’t care about the [priviate investigators] and harassment and getting bumped in the grocery store — they don’t care about the losses and attacks and the death threats. When your mother tells you, ‘I want you to take these people on’ — my parents were never looking for this fight, but now they’re ready for it.

And my family, my people are behind me and God is behind me. So I promise our enemies this: you are going to get my full attack because you are going to get out of our way we are going to save civilization. We are going to beat you. We are going to stop you because God is behind us.

The Justice Department is coming here and threatening people and intimidating people and turning people against us.I’m so proud of America waking up and the world waking up.The best part of this fight is I get to find out whose real and whose not. These people think messing with my family and messing with me and torturing us makes us roll over.



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Alicia is an investigative journalist and multimedia reporter. Alicia’s work is featured on numerous outlets including the Gateway Pundit, Project Veritas, Red Voice Media, World Net Daily, Townhall and Media Research Center, where she uncovers fraud and abuse in government, media, Big Tech, Big Pharma and public corruption. Alicia has a Bachelor of Science in Political Science from John Jay College of Criminal Justice. She served in the Correspondence Department of the George W. Bush administration and as a War Room analyst for the Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee.

You can email Alicia Powe here, and read more of Alicia Powe’s articles here.

