‘All These Individuals Are Let In’: DCNF Reporter Reveals China’s ‘Endgame’ As Migrants Flood US

A Daily Caller News Foundation reporter said that a simplified screening process for illegal immigrants from China might have an “endgame” benefiting the Chinese Communist Party.

DCNF investigative reporter Phil Lenczycki reported in January that United States Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) reduced the number of questions to vet illegal aliens from China to five as opposed to in April 2023, according to an email obtained by the DCNF. Lenczycki told podcast host Bryan Dean Wright that Border Patrol agents also no longer downloaded the contents of phones in the possession of the illegal aliens. (RELATED: DCNF Reporter Describes How Chinese Illegal Immigrants Get Fast-Tracked To US)

“The border agents were no longer required to perform something called phone downloads, which would be when they would attach the phones to some type of device, download all the information and then sift through it to see if there’s anything concerning,” Lenczycki told Wright. “We were told this would typically pull up things regarding the network of human traffickers itself, they’d be looking for that. We found instances also where individuals were arrested afterwards for having child pornography.”


THREAD@BryanDeanWright kindly had me on his podcast to discuss recent @DailyCaller investigations re: CCP influence operations

PART 1/3 covered:

– leaked @CBP email re: how @POTUS simplified vetting process for 🇨🇳 illegals

🙏PLEASE WATCH & SHARE – THANK YOU!🙏 pic.twitter.com/HreHdynFSD

— Philip Lenczycki 蔡岳 (@LenczyckiPhilip) March 8, 2024

According to data released by United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP), 2,045,838 illegal immigrants were encountered in fiscal year 2023, following 2,206,436 encounters in fiscal year 2022 and 1,659,206 in fiscal year 2021.

Lenczycki said that multiple entities gained from the simplified vetting, including the drug cartels, noting the time it often took to process illegal immigrants from China due to a language barrier.

“In order to process these illegal immigrants, they would have to resort to using Google Translate,” Lenczycki said, noting that it could take four hours to process an illegal immigrant from China under the pre-April 2023 protocols. The new protocols allow for many more illegal immigrants from China to be given a “notice to appear” and “order of recognizance,” according to the email obtained by the DCNF.

“The endgame is that, as you have pointed out, all these individuals are let in, and we don’t have any information about any of them,” Lenczycki said.

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