Axios Report: Biden ‘Exploded with Fury’ Over Missing Border Data

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Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

Incident recounted by 3 ‘familiar with events’

It’s no secret that Joe Biden’s decision, when he took office, to cancel all sorts of security procedures and essentially open up America’s southern border with Mexico to millions of illegal aliens, who have since arrived, has been a sore point for the Biden administration.

Biden, in fact, assigned VP Kamala Harris to look into the root causes, and she’s accomplished, essentially, nothing.

Biden’s bureaucrats keep insisting that the border is “secure” when the facts show it is anything but.

Now it’s gotten to the point that there’s infighting, dissension and even explosive anger outbursts in his administration over the problems he’s created.

It is a report from Axios that describes one incident: Biden was en route to the border a year ago and was meeting with his experts.

They didn’t have some obscure details he wanted, so he “exploded with fury,” the report said.

And then Axios explained why it matters.

“The previously unreported meeting, recounted to Axios by three people familiar with the events, is emblematic of the Biden administration’s struggle with the border crisis during the past three years — infighting, blame-shifting and indecision.”

Even as some bureaucrats say Biden has done his best “considering the circumstances,” others said “the administration has fallen far short on maters within its control.”

The result is a president that’s not able to address the problem, and is exceedingly angry about it.

“As the humanitarian conditions at the border have deteriorated and the politics surrounding immigration have become a thorn for Biden, he becomes scratchier when the issue comes up, according to current and former aides,” the report said, noting one official explained, “There are definite incentives … to not be the person who owns the scary issue with no solutions. If you’re the person briefing the president, you get to piss him off every day.”

Axios, in fact, headlined its analysis, “How Biden botched the border.”

Giving Harris the chore perhaps was one way: “As the migration became more global, Harris’ team remained focused on the Northern Triangle and Mexico. A former Biden administration senior official told Axios: ‘She’s been at best ineffective, and at worst sporadically engaged and not seeing it was her responsibility. It’s an opportunity for her, and she didn’t fill the breach,’” the report said.

Then there were the “warring” ideologies between the White House and Democrat party.

“Some officials wanted policies designed to punish or deter people who crossed the border illegally. Others — including vocal immigration advocates outside the administration — pushed to reform asylum policies and expand legal pathways for migrants to stay in the U.S., sources said,” according to the analysis.

In fact, the Biden administration has simply released into the United States millions of illegals who broke U.S. law by entering.

Republicans in the House have been trying, unsuccessfully so far, to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas, Biden’s Homeland Security secretary, for the border security failures.

Because of Biden’s abrupt cancelation of security policies and the surge that arrived at the border when he made clear it was open, conflict developed among Biden’s own aides, the report said.

“Some officials found her needlessly combative and disagreed with [adviser Susan Rice] policy-wise. But even many of her critics credit her with taking on more responsibility on the border at a time when most other top Biden officials were shying away from it.”

And now?

“There was — and still is — deep animosity toward Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra for what was seen as his reluctance to find more space in child migrant shelters, which are overseen by HHS, according to several sources familiar with the dynamics,” the reort said.

There have been name-calling episodes that include derogatory epithets such as “idiot.” Further, the report said profanity-laced conversations have happened because of the issue.

Copyright 2023 WND News Center


The post Axios Report: Biden ‘Exploded with Fury’ Over Missing Border Data appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
