Biden Added $745 Billion Worth Of Regulations In 2023

The Biden administration promulgated over $745 billion worth of regulations in 2023, according to information supplied by Advancing American Freedom (AAF) to the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Biden administration has used rulemaking procedures in agencies to enact several of its left-wing policy initiatives, such as stringent emissions standards to encourage the adoption of electric vehicles and student loan forgiveness plans. From Jan. 1 to Dec. 29 of 2023, the administration greatly exceeded both the Trump and Obama administrations in terms of the regulations it issued, adding to the 743 rules since 2021, according to data from AAF, a government regulations watchdog. (RELATED: Biden’s Menthol Ban Ignites Divisions In Black Community)

“Since January 1, the federal government has published $745.2 billion in total net costs (with $129.2 billion in new costs from finalized rules) and 251.3 million hours of net annual paperwork burden increases (with 60.5 million hours in coming from final rules),” AAF told the DCNF. “[T]he Biden Administration heads into 2024 with to-date final rule cost and paperwork totals exceeding those of the Obama Administration by $173.7 billion and 91.4 million hours, respectively.”

Fire 75% of federal bureaucrats immediately. Shut down agencies. Rescind all regulations that fail West Virginia vs. EPA (ie, most federal regulations). Zero-based budgeting.

Get sued for it. Take it to the Supreme Court & win 6-3.

That’s how you permanently drain the swamp.

— Vivek Ramaswamy (@VivekGRamaswamy) December 29, 2023

Cumulatively, over President Joe Biden’s term to date, the administration has published 743 rules at a face-value cost of $447 billion and a paperwork burden of 277 million hours, AAF said. The cost and work burdens stand in marked contrast to the Trump administration, which published 847 rules at a face-value cost of just $25 billion and a paperwork burden of 65 million hours, and the Obama administration, whose 1.095 rules cost $273 billion at face value.

“Week after week, the Biden administration continues to pile regulations on Main Street America. If we want small businesses to thrive, we need less — not more wasteful regulations,” wrote the Republican-controlled House of Representatives Committee on Small Business, on Twitter, now known as X.

Moreover, in the last working week of the administration from Dec. 26 to Dec. 29, which was shortened due to Christmas Day, the administration added $45.6 billion in total costs and added 43.4 million annual paperwork burden hours, according to AAF.

Today, we released new standards for fridges & freezers that reflect a joint agreement with manufacturers & advocacy groups.

This will save Americans $5B/year & underscores our ongoing work with industry partners to promote innovation & cut energy costs.

— Secretary Jennifer Granholm (@SecGranholm) December 29, 2023

One of these regulations was finalized by the Department of Energy on Friday, which will establish new energy efficiency standards for residential freezers and fridges in line with the administration’s climate change commitments. “DOE also estimates that these standards, once finalized, will cumulatively reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2.5 billion metric tons or more—an amount roughly equivalent to the emissions of 18 million gas-powered cars, 22 coal-fired power plants, or 10.5 million homes over 30 years,” the department wrote in a press release announcing the rule’s finalization.

President Biden is eager to crack down on hardworking American families’ household appliances,” wrote Republican Sen. Katie Britt of Alabama in response to the decision, on Twitter. “This Administration’s agenda is backwards at every turn.”

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