Biden billboard spotted in Israel after support in war: ‘Thank you’

Biden billboard spotted in Israel after support in war: ‘Thank you’

October 13, 2023 02:06 PM

Billboards surfaced in Israel this week thanking President Joe Biden for reassuring Israelis of America’s commitment to the country following the recent Hamas terrorist attacks and the subsequent war.

In photos of the Ayalon Highway in Tel Aviv, Israel, billboards can be seen featuring an image of Biden in front of the American flag, with the words “Thank you, Mr. President.”


An additional billboard places the American flag next to the Israeli flag, signifying the two countries’ relationship.

In addition to the billboards and their circulation among Israelis and Americans on social media, a video of recent remarks in support of Israel by the president is making the rounds. One Israeli creator edited Biden’s speech to inspiring music and images of the attacks in a video that has been spread across social media platforms throughout Israel.

Following the Saturday terrorist attacks on Israel by Iran-backed Hamas, Biden addressed the public in a Tuesday speech. During his remarks, Biden clearly reiterated America’s commitment to Israel, saying: “Let there be no doubt. The United States has Israel’s back. We’ll make sure the Jewish and democratic state of Israel can defend itself today, tomorrow, as we always have. It’s as simple as that.”

Describing his phone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, one of several since the attacks, Biden said, “I told him if the United States experienced what Israel is experiencing, our response would be swift, decisive, and overwhelming.”

Biden’s forceful stance against Hamas and in favor of Israel was even more notable following reports that his staff initially prepared a speech that watered down the conflict. According to Politico, Biden shot down any vague language that could suggest the terrorist attacks on Israel were justified in any way. “The speech that came into speech prep and the speech that came out were vastly different,” a source told the outlet. “Whenever an aide tried to water it down or both-sides it, Biden angrily and forcefully shot it down.”

Since the attacks’ onset, the Biden administration has moved quickly to provide necessary resources to Israel, immediately sending aid and munitions to the Israeli Defense Forces.

Former President Donald Trump, who has largely blamed Biden for the Iran-backed terrorist organization’s attack, was also once featured on an Israeli billboard. Ahead of Netanyahu facing an election in 2019, a billboard popped up featuring the prime minister shaking hands with Trump. “Netanyahu, in a different league,” the billboard read in Hebrew.

Israel Elections
A worker hangs an election campaign billboard of the Likud party that shows Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (right) and US President Donald Trump (left) in Tel Aviv, Israel, on Sept. 8, 2019. The Hebrew words on billboard read, “Netanyahu, in another league.”

(AP Photo/Oded Balilty)


Israelis were more confident in Trump during his presidency than Biden. Toward the end of his term, Trump saw 71% of Israelis expressing confidence in his ability “to do the right thing” when it came to foreign affairs, per the Pew Research Center.

Sixty percent said the same of Biden in 2022. The percentage of Israelis with “no confidence” in the U.S. president additionally rose under Biden, hitting 39%, a departure of 10 percentage points from Trump’s low of 29%.
