Biden Brags of Being a Bipartisan Unifier as His Campaign Compares Trump to Hitler and Democrats Work to Get Him Removed From the Ballot | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Biden Brags of Being a Bipartisan Unifier as His Campaign Compares Trump to Hitler and Democrats Work to Get Him Removed From the Ballot

Joe Biden recently published a tweet in which he patted himself on the back for being a bipartisan unifier. Yes, really.

The guy who regularly casts half of the country as a threat to democracy, while using the DOJ to go after his political opponent, who he has compared to Hitler, thinks he is a unifier.

The same guy who supports his opponent being removed from the ballot in Colorado thinks he is a bipartisan leader. Take a look:

Here’s the great unifier. From Politico:

Biden camp posts graphic with Trump pictured next to Hitler

President Joe Biden’s campaign on Wednesday posted a graphic directly comparing former president Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler, replete with images of the two men on each side.

The graphic, shared in a post on X, marks an even more aggressive turn in a highly charged attempt by the Biden campaign to link its likely Republican general election opponent with the Nazi leader. And it foreshadows how central the attack line is likely to be as part of the president’s efforts to win reelection.

Under the banner “TRUMP PARROTS HITLER,” the graphic lists three quotes from the 45th president next to those from Nazi leader. “Immigrants are ‘poisoning the blood of our country,’” read one Trump quote. Below it read a partial quote from Hitler: “’Contamination of the blood’ by ‘an inferior race’ will lead to the fall of Germany.”

So much unity.

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