Biden campaign downplays concerns over age

Biden’s campaign blamed criticisms over President Joe Biden‘s age on the alleged lack of a platform from Republicans.

In an appearance on ABC News’s This Week, Biden’s principal deputy campaign manager, Quentin Fulks, waved off concerns about Biden’s age, saying that Republicans were attempting to distract from their own problems.

Pres. Biden’s opponents talk about his age because “they have no platform,” Biden campaign’s Quentin Fulks says.

“I’m sure it’s much easier for them to talk about age than it is to talk about the fact that they want to rip away a woman’s right to choose.”

— This Week (@ThisWeekABC) January 21, 2024

“I think that our opponents are hammering that because they have no platform and nothing else to think about,” Fulk said when asked about Biden’s age. “I’m sure it’s much easier for them to talk about age than it is to talk about the fact that they want to rip away a woman’s right to choose or take away reproductive freedom from a third of women across this country that are living under a national abortion ban because of Donald Trump.”

He then went on to recite a laundry list of Biden’s perceived accomplishments and warned that Trump would become a dictator if he returned to power.

Fulk said the campaign views Biden’s age as a positive, as it means he’s more experienced and wise.

“When it comes to the President’s age, we have a simple formula for that, and that’s results,” he said. “You know, age equals wisdom equals results in experience, and President Biden, because of his age, has come to the table and brought people together from both sides of the aisle to deliver results for the American people, whether it be historic bipartisan infrastructure bill, whether it has been bringing people to the table for job creation, making sure that inflation is down. The president has been delivering results, and our best answer to this is to continue to communicate about the things that people care about Americans care about.”


“This election is not going to be about age,” he continued. “This election is about freedom and democracy.”

Biden, now 81 years old, has come under scrutiny since the beginning of his presidency over questions regarding his mental acuity. Some opponents of Trump, 77, have brought many of the same questions toward him as well.
