Biden Family And Its Associates Received More Than $24 Million From Foreign Business Dealings, House Memo Shows

The Biden family and its business associates brought in more than $24 million from Ukraine, Russia, China, Romania and Kazakhstan, according to an impeachment inquiry memo by three House committee chairmen.

Members of the House Ways and Means, Oversight and Judiciary Committees received a 30 page memo Wednesday from committee chairs Jason Smith, James Comer and Jim Jordan detailing the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden beginning with a Thursday hearing. The memo lays out how the Biden family and its associates received over $24 million from foreign companies and nationals based in Ukraine, Russia, China, Romania and Kazakhstan from 2014-19 through a web of shell companies. (RELATED: ‘On Behalf Of The Family’: Hunter Biden’s Uncle Thanked Lawyer Who Allegedly Paid $2 Million Of Hunter’s Taxes)

BREAKING: The Biden family and its associates received more than $24 million from Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Romania and China, according a new impeachment inquiry memo released by three House committees @DailyCaller

— James Lynch (@jameslynch32) September 28, 2023

“For the past several months, the House Committees on Oversight and Accountability (Oversight Committee), Ways and Means (Ways and Means Committee), and the Judiciary (Judiciary Committee) (collectively, Committees) have been investigating (1) foreign money received by the Biden family, (2) President Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s foreign business entanglements, and (3) steps taken by the Biden Administration to slow, hamper, or otherwise impede the criminal investigation of the President’s son, Robert Hunter Biden, which involves funds received by the Biden family from foreign sources,” the memo outlines.

“As a result of these investigations, the Committees have uncovered significant new information that raises serious concerns as to whether the President has abused his federal office to enrich his family and conceal his and/or his family’s misconduct.”

Biden family members and their companies received over $15 million from their foreign benefactors and the Biden business associates took in $9 million from the enterprise, according to the memo. The House Oversight Committee released bank records in August showing the Biden family and its associates brought in more than $20 million from their foreign business dealings, a slightly lower figure. (RELATED: Here’s All The Evidence Connecting Joe Biden To Hunter Biden’s Foreign Business Dealings)

The impeachment inquiry memo outlines Joe Biden’s knowledge of his family’s foreign business dealings demonstrated by his phone calls and private dinners with his family’s business associates detailed by Hunter Biden’s former business associate Devon Archer in his July testimony to the House Oversight Committee.

In addition, the memo spotlights falsehoods Joe Biden told about his knowledge of his family’s business dealings while he was vice president and afterwards. Most notably, Joe Biden said at an October 2020 presidential debate that Hunter Biden never made money from China, a claim proven false by bank records released by the House Oversight Committee, emails on Hunter Biden’s laptop, Hunter Biden’s failed guilty plea, IRS whistleblower testimony and testimony from Hunter Biden’s former business associates.

Another point of focus for the impeachment inquiry is the Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged tax and gun offenses and whether he was given special treatment by investigators. IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler have testified to Congress with allegations Hunter Biden received special treatment and the House Ways and Means Committee released a trove of documents on Wednesday substantiating the whistleblower testimony.

The three committees continue to investigate the whistleblower accusations alongside House Oversight’s probe into the Biden family’s foreign business dealings.
