Biden Got You Down? Embattled Dem Senator Spotted Banging ‘Vodka Cran’ After Telling Dems Biden Can’t Win: Source

Democratic Montana Sen. Jon Tester, who is up for reelection in November and reportedly told his colleagues Tuesday Joe Biden can’t win, was spotted later in the day downing a vodka cranberry by himself in D.C., according to a photo obtained by the Daily Caller.

Tester was spotted at Bistro Cacao, an upscale French restaurant in Washington, D.C. A source told the Caller that the bartender revealed Tester was drinking vodka cranberries and was alone for the duration of his stay.

Tester has previously dismissed concerns about Biden’s age and said the president is “absolutely 100% with it” and “he’s doing a good job.” However, things have changed since Biden’s disastrous debate performance, leading Tester to reportedly tell Senate Democrats during a closed-door meeting Tuesday that he does not think Biden can beat former President Donald Trump.

“I think folks are making a bigger deal out of it than it is,” Tester said in 2023 regarding Biden’s age. “But, you know, we’ll see what I’m like at 82. I doubt I’ll be running for president.”



Tester faces one of the biggest uphill battles for a Democratic Senate incumbent in November, facing off against Republican nominee Tim Sheehy in the deep red state of Montana. Of the few elected Democrats who have publicly called for Biden to step aside, several come from precarious House districts that Democrats have a significant chance of losing in November, similar to Tester’s race. (RELATED: Dem Senator Launches Ad Pitching Himself As Tough On Border — Despite Repeatedly Voting Down Security Measures)

“I’d be drinking too if I’d been caught lying to voters about Joe Biden’s mental decline. It’s sort of surprising that the drink of choice for a rugged dirt farmer is a vodka cranberry, though,” National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) Communications Director Mike Berg told the Caller. “Jon Tester told NBC News that Joe Biden is “absolutely 100% with it” mentally and thinks ‘he’s doing a good job.’”

A vodka cranberry has “just the right amount of sweetness and tartness” so one can “keep on sipping” despite its sweet nature, according to This Silly Girl’s Kitchen.

The Caller reached out to Tester’s office to ask about the incident and whether or not the senator is okay.

“President Biden has got to prove to the American people — including me — that he’s up to the job for another four years. Meanwhile, I’ll continue to do what I’ve always done: Stand up to President Biden when he’s wrong and protect our Montana way of life,” he said.

Tester’s office did not answer whether a vodka cran is typically his drink of choice.
