Biden isn’t following the Obama playbook — and it’s making some in his own party nervous

High-level Democrats are expressing concerns that President Joe Biden’s campaign isn’t following former President Barack Obama’s reelection strategy enough. 

Biden’s reelection campaign has been growing the infrastructure in states key to keeping him in the White House, however, some swing-state Democrats worry the president is taking too long to do so, according to a report.

In contrast, the Obama 2012 campaign had a large campaign machine of its own, Organizing For Action, and largely shunned the Democratic National Committee. Biden, meanwhile, is embracing the DNC as part of his bid.

“State parties and local organizations were not part of the equation in 2012,” New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley told CNN. “The fact that the president has heavily invested in building up the strength of the state parties versus what happened in the first term of Obama — I think you’re going see the results of that.”

However, Democratic strategists and even some Biden insiders reportedly said it is time for Biden to open up his checkbook. CNN also reported that Democratic operatives are frustrated with the slow buildup of state teams and infrastructure.

Following Obama’s successful reelection run, DNC operatives were unhappy with the former president’s strength of cutting funding.


Former President Donald Trump won the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, setting the stage for a rematch with Biden. In the weeks following and surrounding Trump’s wins in the early voting states, Biden’s reelection campaign rolled out state operatives in seven battlegrounds that’ll sway the 2024 election, including Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. 

While Biden is ramping up efforts in states where he’s polling below Trump, some Democratic strategists believe Biden was too slow in sending out reinforcements, with less than 10 months until the general election in November. 
