Biden Says 14 Americans Killed In Hamas Attack During His First Public Appearance In Two Days

President Joe Biden announced Tuesday that at least 14 Americans have been killed in Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel in his first public appearance in two days.

Upon crossing into Israel on Saturday morning, Hamas brutally killed and captured Israeli citizens. Biden confirmed that Americans are being held hostage by Hamas and more Americans have been reported dead as of Tuesday afternoon.

“This was an act of sheer evil. More than 1,000 civilians slaughtered. Not just killed. Slaughtered in Israel,” Biden said Tuesday, “Among them at least 14 American citizens killed. Parents butchered using their bodies to try to protect their children. Stomach-churning reports of babies being killed. Entire families slang. Young people massacred while attending a music festival to celebrate peace. To celebrate peace. Women raped, assaulted, paraded as trophies.”

There are roughly 20 Americans who are missing in Israel following Hamas’ attack though the number of American hostages is unclear, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told reporters Tuesday. The president has not reached out to the families of the 14 Americans who were killed in Hamas’ attack, Sullivan added.

Biden also announced that America would be sending additional support to the country and will be working with Congress to do so.

The president last gave a public address on the war in Israel on Saturday afternoon and has since come under scrutiny for failing to make a public appearance over the last several days. Biden was criticized Sunday for hosting a barbecue for White House staff and their families the same day while war broke out in the Middle East. The White House called a “lid” on Monday before noon, indicating that there would be more public events, which was met with backlash.

The president will be “working on supporting Israel all day,” a White House spokesperson told the Daily Caller when asked why the lid was called before noon.

BIDEN: “As President, I have no higher priority than the safety of Americans being held hostage around the world.”

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 10, 2023

Biden announced in a written statement Monday late afternoon that he would be deploying “experts” to help American citizens left or held hostage in Israel following the terrorist organization Hamas’ attack on the country. (RELATED: The US Is Moving Hundreds Of Thousands Of Ammo Rounds Out Of Israel To Support Ukraine)

For Americans who wish to leave the country, the president suggested Monday that they book a commercial flight or utilize “ground options” to flee the war-torn country. Hours before the suggestion, major airlines such as Delta, United and American began to cancel all flights to and from the country.

Biden did not take any questions after announcing the rising American citizen death toll and confirming Americans are being held hostage.
