Biden signs bill keeping government open through March

President Joe Biden signed on Friday the continuing resolution to fund the government through March and avoid a weekend shutdown, according to the White House.

The legislation extended four government appropriations packages through March 1 and the remaining eight appropriations packages through March 8. Both the Senate and House of Representatives voted to pass the legislation on Thursday, just one day before the previous continuing resolution was set to expire.

“We have good news for America — there will not be a shutdown on Friday,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said Thursday ahead of the Senate vote on the bill. “It’s precisely what Americans want to see — both sides working together and governing responsibly. No chaos, no spectacle, no shutdown.”

The New York Democrat, alongside other members of the “Big Four” congressional leaders, met with Biden at the White House on Wednesday to discuss both funding the government and the president’s supplemental budget request.

Following that meeting, Schumer put the chances of passing both packages at greater than 50%, despite opposition from some Republican lawmakers to approving another tranche of aid for Ukraine without substantive policy changes regarding immigration and the southern border.

Johnson, in particular, appeared to soften his stance on advancing aid for Ukraine and suggested that doing so need not necessarily be tied to Democrats and Biden getting on board with H.R. 2, the immigration reform bill the House passed last year.


“We’re not insistent upon a particular name of a piece of legislation, but we are insistent that the elements have to be meaningful,” Johnson told reporters following his meeting with Biden. “The House is ready to act. But the legislation has to solve the problem, and that’s the critical point.”

Still, Johnson was forced to work with Democrats to pass the government funding extension on Thursday, and some within his caucus, including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), suggested that they could oust Johnson like his predecessor, former Rep. Kevin McCarthy, for working too closely with Democrats.
