Biden will campaign next week after COVID-19 and ‘slippage in support’ – Washington Examiner

Contrary to recent reports, President Joe Biden is not exiting the 2024 race, according to his campaign chairwoman, Jen O’Malley Dillon.

Multiple outlets reported Thursday that the president, who is isolating in Delaware with COVID-19, is slowly coming to terms with his polling and could make way for a new Democratic nominee as early as this weekend.

O’Malley Dillon sat for a 15-minute interview with MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Friday in which she rejected those claims and attempted to outline Biden’s path to victory.

O’Malley Dillon did, on multiple occasions, acknowledge Biden’s “slippage in support” following his first debate with former President Donald Trump but claimed the campaign is “built for the close election that we’re in.”

“I’m not here to say that this hasn’t been a tough several weeks,” she said. “It was close in 2020. It’s going to be close in 2024.”

As for the recent string of leaks regarding Democrats’ shadow campaign to push Biden from the ticket, O’Malley Dillon claimed there are just as many Democrats, including at the grassroots level, who want to move forward with nominating Biden.

“The broad coalition of people that stand with the president is bigger and wider than the people that don’t want him to run, and those are the people that are doing the work in the states that really matter,” she claimed. “We can bring home the people that have some concerns, are a little undecided today, because when they see those two head-to-head and the visions they have for this country, there is no doubt in my mind that the American people are going to be with Joe Biden.”

Despite the president’s repeated commitments to run in 2024, new reports continue to surface about his gradual shift to an exit.


NBC News claimed Friday morning that Biden’s immediate family members have begun holding conversations about how the president can gracefully bow out of the election.

You can watch O’Malley Dillon’s interview below.
