“Bidenomics is Working!” – Joe Biden Brags About Unemployment Being “Below 14%” After Disastrous August Jobs Report (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

Joe Biden on Friday delivered remarks on the abysmal August jobs report from the Rose Garden.

Unemployment ‘unexpectedly’ rose to 3.8% in August (the REAL unemployment rate is MUCH HIGHER).

Nonfarm payrolls increased by 187,000 in August – until the Biden Regime quietly revises that number down next month.

The Biden Regime has been revising payroll numbers every month! This is pure propaganda.

Zero Hedge called out the Biden Regime’s lies and voodoo math on the latest nonfarm payroll revision.

Click here to read the truth from Zero Hedge on the disastrous August jobs report since the mainstream media is gaslighting the American people.

CNBC’s Rick Santelli called out the Biden Regime’s large revisions.

“The deterioration is large. The significantly large revisions make me nervous….how much we’ve slowed over the last several plus months,” Rick Santelli said.


Meanwhile, Joe Biden is boasting about the economy.

“Bidenomics is working!” Biden declared from the Rose Garden in his only public event for the day.

“The unemployment rate has been below 14% for the last 19 months!” he said.

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