Bill Maher Shocked As Killer Mike Refuses To Endorse Biden Over Trump

Comedian Bill Maher seemed taken aback when rapper Killer Mike declined to endorse President Joe Biden over former President Donald Trump during Friday’s “Real Time with Bill Maher.”

Despite Maher repeatedly pressing Killer Mike to reveal his preferred candidate, the rapper steadfastly avoided answering the question directly. Maher persistently prodded him in seeming disbelief and Killer Mike eventually outlined the conditions under which he would give Biden his endorsement, challenging the president to take specific actions catered to black people. (RELATED: ‘With Trump, We Had Money’: What These Black Voters Told MSNBC Could Spell Bad News For Biden)

Bill Maher begs Killer Mike to endorse Joe Biden over Trump, and Killer Mike refuses 🤣
“You can’t get yourself to say ‘Vote for Biden over Trump’?!”
Killer Mike: “Can he get himself to apologize for the crime bill?”

— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) February 3, 2024

After Killer Mike explained the need for voters to focus on policies rather than individual people, Maher asked the rapper which candidate that means he is “for” in 2024.

“I’m for black people. And Happy Black History Month,” Killer Mike said before appearing to reference his past support for Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

“You can’t get yourself to say ‘vote for Biden over Trump?’” Maher asked.

Killer Mike responded by listing what it would take for Biden to get his endorsement.

“Can he get himself to apologize for the [1994] crime bill? Can he get himself to get his head out of his ass and say ‘black people, you are black regardless? I need you to tell me what I need to do.’ Can he pick a coalition of former people who were affected by drug law, street gangs, recidivism and crime and say ‘I need you as a board to advise me how to fix federal prisons’? If he can do that, absolutely I can. So my challenge is out,” the rapper said.

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