Bipartisan Group Of Over 100 Lawmakers Presses Biden To Be Tougher On Iran

A bipartisan group of over 100 members of Congress wrote a letter to President Joe Biden on Monday demanding that he toughen U.S. foreign policy towards Iran.

Iran, which has longstanding ties to Hamas, allegedly supported the group’s planning of a series of terrorist attacks on Israel that began on Oct. 7. After Iran warned that it would intervene against Israel if it invaded Gaza in response to the attacks, 110 members of Congress from both parties wrote a letter calling on the Biden administration to take more punitive steps on Iran. (RELATED: ‘Israel Should Stop’: Democrats At Odds Over Israel Policy Following Hamas Terror Attacks)

“Iran must be held fully accountable for its continued role in funding Hamas and Islamic terror. We urge the Administration to take all necessary steps to cut off Iranian funding sources. This includes maximum enforcement of all U.S. sanctions,” the letter reads. “On October 18, UN ballistic missile sanctions will expire under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). This cannot be allowed to happen. We urge your Administration to work with our European allies to immediately implement snapback sanctions on Iran at the UN Security Council.”

Bipartisan Letter to President Joe Biden About Israel, Hamas, And Iran by Daily Caller News Foundation on Scribd

The Biden administration concluded a hostage release deal with Iran in September, whereby five U.S. citizens unlawfully detained by the country were freed in exchange for the release of $6 billion of Iranian assets stored in South Korean banks, which had been sanctioned — for which it was criticized in the aftermath of the initial attack on Israel. The U.S. and Qatar, the intermediary of the funds, suspended the release of the money after the attack.

The letter also called on the Biden administration to “put significant pressure on Qatar and Türkiye to cease their support
for Hamas and expel Hamas leadership that they host,” noting that “Ismail Haniyeh, the leader behind Hamas’ deadliest-ever attack on Israel, sits comfortably in Qatar.”

The letter’s lead signatories were Democratic Rep. Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey and Republican Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska. Gottheimer has emerged as one of the most ardent defenders of Israel in the Democratic Caucus, having sparred with several fellow Democrats who are more pro-Palestinian on the subject.

The letter warned against the U.S. supporting a cease-fire between Hamas and Israel, in a swipe at some Democratic representatives and left-wing groups that have called for such action.

“We are already beginning to see calls in some circles for de-escalation. Premature de-escalation would be a victory for the terrorists, and allow them to continue to threaten Israeli civilians with future attacks,” the letter reads.

The White House and the Department of State did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

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