Black Couple Who Supported Obama Shocked CBS Reporter on Who They’re Going to Vote for in 2024 Presidential Election

Azad Ahmadi and his girlfriend, Alexandria (Credit: BET Network/Youtube)

A black couple who previously supported Barack Obama revealed their intention to vote for Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election, leaving CBS News correspondent Nikole Killion visibly taken aback.

Nikole Killion, CBS News correspondent, was in Georgia, a crucial swing state, to gauge the sentiments of Black voters and activists as the election season heats up.

Killion interviewed Azad Ahmadi and his girlfriend, Alexandria. Ahmadi, now a member of the Georgia Black Republicans, and Alexandria, a registered Democrat, shared their journey from voting for Barack Obama in both 2008 and 2012 to their current stance, which leans towards supporting Donald Trump in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

KILLION: In 2008 and 2012 you voted for?

AZAD AHMADI: Barack Obama.

ALEXANDRIA: Barack Obama.

KILLION: 2016?

AHMADI: I voted for Donald Trump.

ALEXANDRIA: Hillary Clinton.

KILLION: 2020?

AHMADI: Donald Trump.


KILLION: And who will you vote for in 2024?

AHMADI: Donald Trump.

ALEXANDRIA: Donald Trump.

Killion, clearly surprised, followed up with questions to Alexandria about her potential change in political preference.

KILLION: You may vote for the former president?


KILLION: And why do you say that?

ALEXANDRIA: My views on certain things have changed. I am very much so right on the fence.

She elaborated on her concerns about the economy and the pressures of planning a family in the current environment, highlighting the cost of living as a major factor influencing her decision.

Ahmadi, on the other hand, indicated his shift in political allegiance happened during Trump’s first term, expressing a belief that the Democratic party no longer aligns with his goals.

KILLION: When did you make that decision to check a different box?

AHMADI: Donald Trump’s first term. I’m saying first term because I’m pretty sure he’ll be in there for a second term soon. In either case, post-Obama I decided that the party just wasn’t suitable to the goals that I have.

KILLION: How did you come to that conclusion? Because at the end of the day, former President Obama was the first African-American president in history.

AHMADI: Absolutely. I attended the inauguration in his first term. I grew up outside of Washington, D.C. in the ’80s and ’90s, came through the system as an institutional Democrat, went through a lot of the experiences that young black men go through. Good and bad. Ending up leaving that environment. Grew up. Started looking at the world through a new lens.

Unfortunately, the interview was cut short by BET Network, leaving viewers curious about the remainder of Ahmadi’s response.


You can watch the full interview below:

The Gateway Pundit reported last year that according to recent surveys, former President Donald J. Trump is making significant headway in key battleground states, thanks to an unprecedented level of support from Black voters, historically a strong base for Democrats and Joe Biden. This support now stands at 22 percent for Trump, a figure that no Republican has seen in modern presidential politics.

White House resident Joe Biden is currently lagging behind Donald J. Trump in five of the six most crucial battleground states as the 2024 election approaches.

The New York Times poll shows Trump leading by ten points in Nevada, six in Georgia, five in Arizona, five in Michigan, and four in Pennsylvania. Only in Wisconsin does Biden seem to maintain support, holding a slim 2-point lead.

poll released last December by Morning Consult shows Joe Biden losing support among Black voters while President Trump is gaining support. Over the past year Biden is down nine points, from 70 to 61 percent while Trump is up seven points, 15 to 22 percent:

“Trump now leads Biden, fueled by gains among key voter segments including Black, Hispanic and young Americans: The former president took his first monthly lead of the 2024 election cycle over President Joe Biden in November. He now leads Biden among 18- to 34-year-olds, and Biden continues to lose support among Black and Hispanic voters. Trump also maintains a narrow edge among independents.”

The post Black Couple Who Supported Obama Shocked CBS Reporter on Who They’re Going to Vote for in 2024 Presidential Election appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
