Blame Game: Politicos Point to “Charged Rhetoric” Behind Trump Assassination, Ignore Deep State and Powerful Elites Responsible | The Gateway Pundit | by Benjamin Wetmore

Blame Game: Politicos Point to “Charged Rhetoric” Behind Trump Assassination, Ignore Deep State and Powerful Elites Responsible

America was shocked when America’s Favorite President, Donald J. Trump, narrowly missed having the back of his head blown off by a sniper on Saturday evening.

This attempted political assassination of a Presidential candidate is the first attempt on a candidate since RFK Jr. was killed, likely by his own security detail, in 1968, and when Alabama Governor George Wallace was shot and paralyzed in 1972. It’s the first time a former President has been shot since Teddy Roosevelt in 1912.

Multiple eyewitnesses claim that they approached the Secret Service at the event and complained that a man with a rifle was climbing around on the roof. The man, whom some media is reporting as Thomas Crooks, took multiple shots at Trump and then was killed by a Secret Service sniper.

While many have praised the Secret Service, some have also noted that the while the Agents appeared to have the assassin in view, they waited for him to take his shots at Trump, and then took a shot at him, killing the assassin with a headshot that ensured he would never explain who, if anyone, had put him up to the vicious act of political violence.

Shamefully, the mainstream media misreported the story. CNN tried to claim that Trump ‘fell’ on stage and that the event had ‘loud noises’ that shut it down. Many reported that in areas like Times Square, none of the television screens were reporting the news that Trump had been nearly assassinated.

The timing of the assassination attempt was very suspicious. Tucker Carlson and others had predicted that the elites in America would try to kill Trump. The left has made a boogeyman out of Trump since 2016. Just last week, the cover of the New Republic took it to new levels of hyperbole in equating Trump to Hitler.

Trump haters who had called him ‘literally Hitler’ and a ‘tyrant’ and blamed him for ‘being a threat to democracy‘ and claimed for years that he was engaged in “Russian collusion” found the decently to ‘wish him a speedy recovery.’ Joe Biden said he wished Trump well after two hours, as did former President Barack Obama and far-left Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Ideologues on both the right and left began blaming words and ‘rhetoric’ for the assassination attempt.

Some pointed to charged words by Joe Biden about “putting Trump in the bullseye.”

But words alone don’t create an assassin, and don’t put plans in place that can carry out an act of violence like this. And most importantly, mere words don’t have the power to undertake an action like this and get away with it.

Many have already noted that it is unlikely that the Federal Bureau of Investigation will appropriately investigate and solve this crime. The FBI has become notoriously politicized, and has been caught acting as the political enforcement arm of the Biden White House. In addition, the FBI has been caught setting up crimes such as in the Whitmer Kidnapping Hoax, as well as the thousand-plus political prosecutions of January 6th protesters who, for many, their only crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The FBI has also suspiciously covered up the Las Vegas shooting, claimed incredulously that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself, and can’t find the January 6th pipe bomb suspect even though they have plenty of evidence to identify the individual.

The most important part of an operation is maintaining the ability to protect and preserve the people involved from any scrutiny. The conspirators must never get caught.

One classic way for detectives to assess a crime and determine suspects is by figuring out who had the ‘means, motive, and opportunity’ to commit the crime.

Who would have had the motivation, means, and opportunity to kill Trump?

Who would have been able to coordinate this attempted murder so that the sniper could get into position without being harassed or noticed, and would be allowed to take the shots necessary to make an attempt on Trump’s life. In addition, who could be trusted to have a clean background and social media history so that they would not connect to anyone in the intelligence community or other rivals for power against Trump such as Biden or establishment Republicans.

The list of available entities capable of such action is short. It reveals much about modern politics and the powerful interests currently aligned against President Trump.

Here are those powerful interests:

  • Left-wing Billionaires Angry that Biden Won’t Resign. Left-wing billionaires have been in a panic since the Trump-Biden debate after the world saw up close that Joe Biden is a severe dementia patient. In what was a ‘right wing conspiracy theory’ just a few weeks prior, now the media and elites recognized that they could not hide Biden’s cognitive failures any longer, but it is legally too late to easily and simply change out Biden on the nation’s ballots. Biden resigning risks many battleground states simply not having him on the ballot. These wealthy and powerful individuals, who own media outlets and exercise their power through the non-profit world, were able to float the removal of Trump’s Secret Service detail through far-left Congressmen last month. They have billions of dollars at stake, in addition to the vast networks of individuals they have ready to staff and populate the government. These billionaires were able to get their pet District Attorneys and U.S. Attorneys to prosecute Trump for invented charges in New York and Florida. They were able to get the Colorado legislature to try and remove Trump from the ballot, hoping to set a precedent where leftists in power could make a one-option-only ballot.
  • The Bureaucratic Deep State. The Obama elites were caught spying on Trump’s campaign and faced zero repercussions or fallout. Major criminal activity by Deep Staters like Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Lois Lerner, went ignored and unprosecuted. Massive ongoing political imprisonment of peaceful January 6th protesters, the legal harassment of pro-Trump political prisoners like Cong. Steve Stockman whose sentence Trump commuted or Arkansas State Senator Jon Woods who is still sitting in federal prison, is ongoing. The Deep State, aged remnants of the Franklin D. Roosevelt coalition that came into power in 1933, is willing to lie, cheat, steal, and murder in order to get its way. The Deep State draws much of its power from its relationship with the intelligence community and its rampant lawlessness and criminality. The Deep State was willing to invent the Mueller investigation, the bogus “Russian collusion” fantasy storyline, and impeach Trump twice over nothing.
  • Ukraine, EU, NATO, Welfare Queens. Trump has been skeptical of the ongoing War in Ukraine, and has been critical about how it has been handled. Trump claims that he could settle the war overnight by making a great deal with Putin. Zelensky and his band of gangsters, busy plundering the country and sending its citizens off to die for no reason, want to continue taking billions. Many American political families, including the Bidens, Mitt Romney, among others, have been found to have extensive financial arrangements with Ukraine. Trump has also openly discussed withdrawing from NATO and ending the massive American subsidy towards European defense. There are billions of dollars at stake in such changes.
  • The Military-Industrial Complex. Trump is the greatest peace President America has ever had. Instead of start any wars, Trump instead ended them all. Trump found a quick solution to ISIS in Syria by stopping the covert funding of ISIS by the U.S. intelligence community. Trump found that winding down conflicts like Afghanistan was easier than making promises to stay there forever with a blank check. Trump sought a smart peace with Russia. Trump was even trying to make peace with North Korea. These efforts threatened not just the annual defense spending by America, but also the entire economics of the global defense industry.
  • The Communist Chinese and their many financial tentacles. The Chinese are busy in America trying to hold down America’s energy industry, and promoting dead-end renewable energy technologies that they substantially own, and have a major monopoly in rare earth minerals critical to the production of more renewables. The Chinese have bought their way into many American billionaires through investments, including the Betsy DeVos family, half of whose family income comes from sales in China each year. The Chinese are also trying to build semiconductor plants in America, to be staffed by Chinese labor, using tax dollars to subsidize their companies. The Chinese hate Trump and the Trump agenda.
  • Foreign Governments. Steve Mnuchin and Janet Yellen as Treasury Secretaries under Trump and Biden agree on one thing: cater and kowtow to Arab States so that they can get them as clients after leaving office, soliciting the financial business for their multi-billion sovereign wealth funds. Many foreign governments are invested in America, and have lucrative trade contracts that would be put in jeopardy by a Trump Administration. As well, the Israeli government has ongoing pressure operations and is widely thought to be the patron of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane Maxwell. These smaller states might take a drastic action like an assassination in order to curry enough favor with the Biden administration to get something very valuable. Many of these foreign governments are hostile to Trump, because Trump clearly cares about America and Americans first.
  • Big Business. For the first time ever, every single Fortune 100 company has said they refuse to endorse or support President Trump. Big Business has announced itself the mortal enemy of populist conservatism, having gone completely woke in pursuit of hedge fund investment from firms like BlackRock and State Street, who push radical DEI agendas, in addition to other reforms of corporate operations. The left, working for over 20 years, has infiltrated the board rooms of American big business and turned it solidly against its most natural allies and defenders. Big Business likes low wages enabled by open borders, it likes regulations that strangle their competitors, and it likes compliant politicians who do what they’re told. Trump is a major threat to their petit monopolies throughout the American economy.

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Former writer for Human Events, Morris NorthStar, and The Federalist. 2023 ISI George Washington Statesman Fellow. Featured in the Washington City Paper, Washington Post, New York Times, and Playboy.

You can email Benjamin Wetmore here, and read more of Benjamin Wetmore’s articles here.

