BLM Groups Express Solidarity With Hamas

Two Black Lives Matter (BLM) groups have released statements expressing their support for Hamas after the terror group murdered over 1,000 Israelis, including hundreds of unarmed civilians.

“When a people has been subject to decades of apartheid and unimaginable violence, their resistance must not be condemned but understood as a desperate act of self-defense,” BLM Grassroots wrote in a statement published Monday. (RELATED: Black Lives Matter Protests Led To 11.5% Increase In Murders, Thousands Of Additional Deaths, Study Shows)

Black Lives Matter Grassroots
Statement in #Solidarity with the People of #Palestine.

— BLM Grassroots (@blmgrassroots) October 9, 2023

BLM Grassroots was founded in 2020 as an affiliate of the national Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation tasked with coordinating and supporting the activism of local chapters. The group is c0-directed by Melina Abdullah, who has been accused of antisemitism, according to InfluenceWatch.

“The war on the Palestinian people must cease,” the BLM Grassroots statement continued. “We call on the United States government to immediately stop funding war and redirect the $4 billion in annual spending from the Israeli military to repair the damage caused by US-backed wars, coups, and destabilizing interventions against oppressed people around the world.”

The statement did not include any criticism of Hamas or its tactics.

BLM’s Chicago chapter tweeted a similar message Tuesday, posting an image that included the text “I Stand With Palestine” along with a silhouette of one of the hang gliders used in the Hamas attack on unarmed Israeli concertgoers, over 200 of whom were killed.

That is all that is it!

— BLMChicago (@BLMChi) October 10, 2023
