Breaking away: Backed by Trump, Mike Braun expands gubernatorial lead

Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) holds a commanding lead in his bid to be the Hoosier State’s next governor, thanks in part to his strong ties to former President Donald Trump.

An “internal” polling and strategy memo shared with Secrets showed the one-term senator and Indianapolis business executive with a 27-point lead over his nearest challenger, Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch, 40%-13%.

The likable senator has even bigger leads in three of four major metros, including a 30-point advantage over Crouch in Indianapolis, where nearly half the state’s Republican primary voters live.

Mark It Red to conduct a statewide survey of likely 2024 Republican primary voters from December 18-20. Courtesy Braun for Indiana.

What’s more, he is sitting on a $4 million campaign war chest in his bid to succeed two-term Gov. Eric Holcomb (R-IN), who has term-limited out.

In the memo, campaign senior political adviser Joshua Kelley credited part of Braun’s success to the senator’s relationship with Trump and the former president’s endorsement.

The poll from Mark It Red showed that Braun has the highest favorability rating of the five candidates running in the May GOP Senate primary, at 60%. And Trump’s favorability is 76% in the state he beat President Joe Biden in, 57%-41%. In the latest 2024 presidential poll, Trump leads Biden by 19 points.

Kelley wrote in the memo, “The endorsement from President Trump strongly resonates with the GOP base, emphasizing the necessity for any candidate to win the majority of Trump supporters to secure the nomination. Mike Braun stands uniquely poised to capture this crucial demographic, not only bolstered by Trump’s endorsement but also as the sole candidate openly supporting Trump. This alignment with the former president and presumptive presidential nominee further cements Braun’s position as the clear front-runner in the race.”

As a senator, Braun has taken the lead on several matters, including the two that voters are most concerned about: the economy and immigration. He has pushed for a return to Trump’s immigration policies and is a budget hawk.

Trump also endorsed Braun when he first ran for Senate in 2018. In his latest endorsement, made in early November, Trump said, “I was proud to endorse Mike when he ran for the Senate in 2018, and I am proud to do so again — Mike Braun has my complete and total endorsement to be the next governor of the great state of Indiana.”

Braun had endorsed Trump’s presidential bid earlier.

Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) leads in all four major metros. Courtesy Braun for Indiana.

Braun was expected to be a favorite, but he has been the front-runner from the start despite Crouch’s long political record in Indiana. Businessman Brad Chambers and builder Eric Doden have spent freely but gained little traction versus Braun. Former Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill is also in the race.

“While others struggle with funding, voter connection, and policy clarity, Braun’s campaign continues to demonstrate strategic acumen and clarity of vision,” Kelley said. “His record, clearly aligned with the values and priorities of Hoosier Republicans, stands in sharp contrast to the less defined or less appealing records of his competitors,” he added.

Undecided voters in the survey are a high 30%, but Kelley said even if most choose another candidate, Braun is still out front. “Mike Braun, with 40% of likely voters indicating he is their preference for governor, leads the crowded GOP nominee field by a 27-point margin, and his total surpasses the 30% of undecided voters, making it challenging for opponents to find a path to victory,” he wrote.


The memo also called for GOP unity around Braun’s candidacy.

“Now, more than ever, it is crucial for Indiana Republicans to unite behind Mike Braun. Our collective focus must be on winning the Indiana general election, aiding the GOP presidential nominee in defeating Joe Biden, and transforming Indiana into a beacon of freedom and opportunity. This unity is not just about securing a victory in the gubernatorial race, but about upholding and advancing the conservative principles that are fundamental to our state’s future,” Kelley concluded.
