Breaking: Feds Postpone Sentencing of Proud Boys Political Prisoners After Family and Advocates Flew in for Support – Satanists Mark Up Sidewalk Prior to Prayer Vigil | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

The five Proud Boys members who were unjustly charged with “Seditious conspiracy” for a crime they never committed and found guilty by a kangaroo court they never had a chance with.

Washington DC is broken. And the courts are ruled by complete partisan monsters who use the iron fist of the law to humiliate and destroy those who do not believe in their same Marxist utopian vision for America.

This week the families and friends of the five Proud Boys political prisoners flew in to Washington DC for the sentencing today.

U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly oversaw an all-day hearing Tuesday in the Proud Boys case. Kelly shamed the prisoners and smiled with glee as he humiliated the men in court on Tuesday.

On Wednesday TGP’s Alicia Powe and others planned a prayer protest outside the US court where the Proud Boys were to be sentenced later today.

The families were planning to pray today (and still will hold their vigil we are told). When they arrived this morning Satanists marked the sidewalk to welcome them.

The judge just postponed the sentencing. Family member and supporters flew in to DC to be with the Proud Boys defendants at the hearing. They were outside crying when the news broke today.

If the news was not horrible enough, these poor people are now forced with deciding if they spend the money to stay in DC for when the court is ready to condemn these innocent men with years in federal prison on bogus charges designed to destroy their lives forever.

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