BREAKING: FOIA Documents Reveal Government Officials Notified of Election Fraud in Michigan Following Election Day in 2020 | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

BREAKING: FOIA Documents Reveal Government Officials Notified of Election Fraud in Michigan Following Election Day in 2020

Ballot boxes at the TCF Center in Detroit, Michigan, during the 2020 Election counting process.

In July 2023, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (D-MI) charged 16 Republican Electors with political crimes in connection with the controversial 2020 Presidential election.

The ALTERNATE electors in Michigan, many of them senior citizens, were charged with eight felonies each, which could mean spending the rest of their lives in prison if AG Nessel has her way.

Each of the 16 defendants has been charged with the following felonies:

  • One count of Conspiracy to Commit Forgery, a 14-year felony,
  • Two counts of Forgery, a 14-year felony,
  • One count of Conspiracy to Commit Uttering and Publishing, a 14-year felony,
  • One count of Uttering and Publishing, a 14-year felony,
  • One count of Conspiracy to Commit Election Law Forgery, a 5-year felony, and,
  • Two counts of Election Law Forgery, a 5-year felony.

During her staged press release where she announced the bogus charges against the 16 GOP electors, Michigan’s politically motivated Attorney General Dana Nessel stated the electors were GUILTY, which is a curious statement to make from Michigan’s top law enforcement officer, knowing the electors haven’t even had their day in court!

Make no mistake, this is a political persecution, not a prosecution.

The defendants, acting on evidence that the election in their State had likely been stolen after the bizarre early morning spike in votes for Joe Biden, submitted an ALTERNATE slate of electoral votes alternative for President Trump to the Electoral College.

Michigan’s lawless attorney general would like the people of Michigan to believe that the electors had “no reason” to believe that the election was anything but “the most secure election in history.”

Yet she herself was fully aware that in OCTOBER, a month before the 2020 election, a full-scale investigation involving the Muskegon Police Department, MI State Police, lead investigators from the Attorney General’s office, and MI SOS Jocelyn Benson’s office was underway, involving over ten thousand voter registrations turned in by one individual at the city clerk’s office Muskegon, MI.

Once it was discovered that the voter fraud operation spanned several states, the FBI took over the investigation. According to the Michigan State Police Lieutenant in charge of the investigation, he believes the FBI is still investigating the false voter registration scam, which is still ongoing. (Read the original reporting on the multi-city MI Voter Fraud investigation story here)

Curiously, AG Nessel, who claimed the MI GOP electors knew there was no path to victory for Donald J. Trump because there were no successful election fraud lawsuits or evidence of widespread voter fraud in the state of Michigan, neglected to mention the ongoing multi-city, turned multi-state, voter registration fraud investigation that her own department was involved with that began ONE MONTH before the 2020 election.

Now, there is even more evidence that Dana Nessel knew about election fraud in the 2020 election in Michigan, and she hid from the public in the Wolverine State.

Investigative journalist Yehuda Miller obtained documents from Michigan through a FOIA request and shared the initial release on Twitter-X on Thursday evening. Earlier in the week, Yehuda reached out to The Gateway Pundit. TGP has collaborated with Yehuda on prior occasions for the release of information obtained through FOIA.

Department of Justice officials knew on November 5, 2020, two days after the election, that there was a very serious accusation of voter fraud reported at the TCF Center in Detroit from election night.

In a November 5 email, Troy Cummings, a Michigan attorney, contacted Matthew Schneider at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to report an “egregious situation” at Detroit’s TCF Center involving the counting of ballots and “ballot fraud in Detroit.” The email to the DOJ included photographs supporting the allegations.

Matthew Schneider found the claims “alarming” and requested an FBI investigation. He forwarded the information to several DOJ officials at the time.

Cummings detailed in his email, “I’m following up with some information on one of the most egregious situations that I encountered over the past few days at TCF Center. There were many examples of significant election-integrity issues. But this example involves actions of government officials from both the local and state levels that are shocking if true. At the very least, I think it’s worth following up on. I will note that the pole worker, Mrs. Jacob, has 30 years in with the city and is very concerned with her job safety for doing this and likely speaking about if further. But she obviously had the courage to raise these issues yesterday. 1. Jacob conversation – narrative of the situation. 2.  Affidavit of Jessica Connarn – GOP poll challenger 3. Statement of Julie Maday 4. Copies of notes from poll worker.”

Schneider then forwarded Cummings’ email to David Nanz at the FBI’s Inspection Division (INSD), including Richard Donoghue from the Office of the Deputy Attorney General, Dawn Ison from the Office of the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan (USAMIE), and Mark Chutkow, also from the Office of the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan (USAMIE), in the CC.

Schneider’s email was, “Dave: Attached please find an email from an attorney in Michigan that describes what appears to be ballot fraud in Detroit. This allegation, and accompanying photos, is alarming. I would like FBI to look into this please. Could you please follow up?”

Dawn from the US Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Michigan then forwarded the message to Adam Fracassi, the Regulatory Manager at the Michigan’s Bureau of Elections, with a message saying, “Adam, we received this complaint. Will chat with you at 5:30 pm.” 

Photo: Yehuda Miller/X

Yehuda Miller posted this exchange on Thursday night.

The Gateway Pundit investigated this incident and the allegations made by election worker whistleblower Jessica Connarn. According to local FOX 17, Connarn signed an affidavit describing how election workers were told to change the dates on the ballots so they could be counted.

Connarn said in a sworn affidavit filed with the court that she was working as a poll challenger for the Republican Party at the TCF Center in Detroit when she was approached by another Republican Poll Challenger who “was nearly in tears because she was being told by other hired poll workers at her table to change the date the ballot was received when entering ballots into the computer.”

In an email dated November 4, 2020, Thomas Fabus, the Chief of Investigations at the Michigan Department of Attorney General, communicated with Darryl Hill from the Michigan Department of State (MDOS) office regarding a distinct incident of alleged election fraud at the TCF Arena in Detroit, Michigan.

Fabus mentioned that he had discussed the matter with the FBI, concluding that the issue did not fall within the jurisdiction of either the FBI or his office for potential criminal actions. However, he suggested that the MDOS might want to proactively contact the complainant to address and possibly “head this off.”

Fabius also mentions there were “apparent criminal actions”!

From the November 4, 2020 email: “Darryl, Is there an email or POC at MDOS for me to forward information for one of their staff to contact complaint on some of the procedures / rules of TCF and poll challengers? Talked to the FBI on this and it’s not going to be in their lane or ours in terms of apparent criminal actions, but MDOS may want to call and try and head this off.”

Whose “lane” should it be in? If not the FBI, and not the DOJ, then who?

Fabus added, “FYSA for BOE – FBI is getting a report from a woman who stated she is a republican and is attempting to go to TCF to be a poll challenger. She is being told that republicans are not being allowed to be poll challengers, absentee military ballots are not being counted, and “faxed in ballots” are not being counted. She has stated shes been in communication for four women who were previously inside TCF as counters and that she has heard from other republicans that have been inside as challengers. She also stated that democrats are allowed additional challengers. She has also stated she is available for callback and we have her contact if you would like it.”

Here is the email.

Photo: Yehuda Miller/X

Yehuda Miller released Part 2 of this email change late Thursday night.

It is apparent from the emails that the U.S. Department of Justice, the Michigan Attorney General’s office, and the Secretary of State’s office were aware of numerous complaints of “alarming” accusations of election fraud.

In the coming days, we will be releasing much more content on the 2020 election from federal documents and communications.  Stay tuned!

Photo of author

Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

