Breaking: Hunter Biden Faces Jan. 11 Arraignment in California on 9 Federal Tax Evasion Charges

Hunter Biden looking paranoid in a home movie.

The Justice Department filed new criminal charges against Hunter Biden back on December 8th.

Hunter Biden was hit with a 9-count indictment filed in the Central District of California: Tax evasion, failure to file/pay taxes, and false/fraudulent tax return.

The new indictment was handed down by Special Counsel David Weiss after a sweetheart plea deal on tax charges fell apart over the summer.

On Monday, Catherine Herridge from CBS News reported that Hunter Biden will be arraigned in California on Janunary 11, on the 9 new charges.

As reported previously by Cristina Laila – David Weiss’s investigation into Hunter Biden is ongoing. The case was assigned to the United States District Court for the Central District of California Judge Mark Scarsi, a Trump appointee.

The indictment details a “four-year scheme” to avoid the $1.4+ million tax obligations he owed between 2016 and 2019 and to file false returns.

“Between 2016 and October 15, 2020, the Defendant individually received more than $7 million in total gross income. This included in excess of $1.5 million in 2016, $2.3 million in 2017, $2.1 million in 2018, $1 million in 2019 and approximately $188,000 from January through October 15, 2020. In addition, from January through October 15, 2020, the Defendant received approximately $1.2 million in financial support to fund his extravagant lifestyle,” according to the indictment reviewed by The Gateway Pundit.

The indictment details Hunter Biden’s lavish lifestyle, drug use, and addiction to prostitutes.

“Between 2016 and October 15, 2020, the Defendant spent this money on drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing, and other items of a personal nature, in short, everything but his taxes,” the indictment read.

The indictment revealed (screenshot below) Hunter Biden was spending millions of dollars on hookers, drugs/rehab, ‘adult entertainment,’ fancy restaurants etc.

According to the indictment, Hunter Biden spent $683,121 on ‘various women.’

screen image of indictment reviewed by this reporter

If convicted, Hunter Biden faces up to 17 years in prison.

Will Scharf, a former federal prosecutor, said Hunter Biden is in a lot of trouble.

“With the sweetheart deal previously offered to him now off the table, Hunter is in an awful lot of trouble,” Will Scharf said.

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