British Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s Orwellian Mass Facial Recognition Surveillance Plan to Silence Citizens | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s Orwellian Mass Facial Recognition Surveillance Plan to Silence Citizens

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer

On Thursday, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer announced new plans to use Orwellian tactics to “stamp out the violent disorder seen in recent weeks.”

Three little girls were murdered in Southport, England, this week, but according to Starmer, the real problem is ‘disorder.’

Starmer’s soft-on-crime, tough-on-dissent program, the National Violent Disorder Programme, would allow law enforcement to use mass surveillance with facial recognition meant to “deter rising crime in the United Kingdom” more widely across the country.

But his remarks that it will help to “stamp out the violent disorder seen in recent weeks” suggests the main goal is to stop British citizens from protesting the woke immigration policies that are destroying the U.K.

In a press release announcing the program, the British prime minister said:

“I’ve just held a meeting with senior police and law enforcement leaders where we’ve resolved to show who we are. A country that will not allow understandable fear to curdle into division and hate in our communities and that will not permit, under any circumstances a breakdown in law and order on our streets.

“Because let’s be very clear about this. It’s not protest. It’s not legitimate. It’s crime and violent disorder. An assault on the rule of law and the execution of justice.

“And so, on behalf of the British people who expect their values and their security to be upheld, we will put a stop to it.”


