Canadian PM Trudeau Is ‘Afraid’ That Second Trump Term Will Bring an End to Globalist Climate Policies | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran

Canadian PM Trudeau Is ‘Afraid’ That Second Trump Term Will Bring an End to Globalist Climate Policies

Globalist poster boy, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is obsessed with his ‘flagship’ climate alarmist policies.

Problem is, fewer and fewer seem to share this obsession.

Read: Climate Alarmism Fail: Justin Trudeau’s Signature ‘Carbon Tax’ Is Rejected by Majority of Voters, as Canadian Families Struggle Financially

The population rejects his approach, as polls show the Conservative opposition, that rejects measures such as the Carbon Tax, with a significant lead.

Read: Canadian Conservative Leader Poilievre Scorches Trudeau Over His ‘Carbon Tax’ Driving the Financial Crisis – But All the Prime Minister Wants To Talk About Is Ukraine!

The courts reject his approach, as some of his climate- related legislation has been deemed unconstitutional.

Read: Canada’s Supreme Court Deals Blow to Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, Rules That a Federal Climate Alarmist Law Is Unconstitutional

The provinces reject his approach, as a never-before seen coalition of Provincial Premiers has stood up against his policies.

Read: Canada’s Provincial Premiers Form a Rare United Front Against Justin Trudeau’s ‘Carbon Tax’

So, while his premiership is in a shambles, Trudeau decided he needed to weigh in on the American Presidential campaign, and do so with his usual display of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

In an interview to the ultra-liberal Canadian media, the PM said that ‘every American administration brings challenges for Canada’.

Read: Trudeau’s Horrible Year: Divorce, Economic Crisis, Chinese Influence Inquiry, Rift With India, NaziGate Scandal, Sinking in the Polls

Trudeau recalled what he termed Trump’s ‘desire to move backwards on climate change’ that ‘was a menace not just to Canada but to the world’. Yeah, right.

CBC reported the PM as saying:

“‘Yes, there’s a concern — particularly around the environment, at a time where it’s so important to move forward on protecting and building an economy of the future where energy workers, miners, forestry workers across this country — and manufacturing across this country — continues to be successful as we move towards lower emissions’, he said. ‘A Trump presidency that goes back on the fight against climate change would slow down the world’s progress in ways that are concerning to me’.”

The United States is Canada’s largest trading partner and most important ally. So it stands to reason that there should be genuine interest in the way things develop down below.

However, Trudeau is only trying to score some political points with his own Liberals by repeating the tired old talking points about the Trump ‘danger’.

“When Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris climate agreement in 2017, Trudeau said he was “deeply disappointed” by the decision. Days later, the Liberals marked World Environment Day with renewed vigor.

‘If the U.S. administration is going to step back on climate action, Canada is going to step up and do even more’, said Catherine McKenna, federal environment minister at the time.”

Trudeau is leading the crying over the very real prospect that President Trump will again withdraw the US from the Paris accord.

Maybe the Liberal leader could prioritize convincing his own constituency of the validity of his crippling climate policies, before venturing into fear mongering other countries’ elections.

Read more:

Rishi Sunak Rolls Back Multiple Environmental Policies in ‘Pragmatic’ Move That Leaves Climate Alarmists Fuming – British PM Worries About Financial Impact on Families


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