CANADISTAN OUT OF CONTROL: Calgary Judge Allows Woman With Autism To Receive Medically Assisted Suicide – Decision Stayed for 30 Days as Her Father Appeals His Ruling

In the beginning, proponents of the culture of death assure us that euthanasia and assisted suicide will be provided following ‘very strict’ guidelines and only for people in critical, unbearable condition.

In real life, we watch as these conditions are broadened until euthanasia and assisted suicide start being offered as an option for just about anyone – read more about it in Canadian Hospital Suggests Euthanasia to Suicidal Woman Who Went There For Help.

Moreover, the prevalence of these practices creates a ‘fad’ and people who are mentally unwell tend to be needlessly drawn to it. Read more in Euthanasia on the Rise: The Culture of Death Creates a High Tech ‘Sarcophagus’, While Suggesting ‘Assisted Suicide’ To Disabled People.

How long until this culture of death take a turn for the tyrannical and start targeting the vulnerable for mandatory ‘end of life services’? Read in Canadistan Is Out of Control: New Survey Shows Growing Population Support for Euthanizing the Poor and Homeless – Number of Assisted Suicides Skyrockets Ten-Fold in Half a Decade to 10 Thousand People.

The newest Canadian episode in this tragic chain of events is a Calgary judge’s ruling that Preventing an autistic Calgary woman’s medically assisted death would cause her irreparable harm’.

Justice Colin Feasby said his decision – that suspended an earlier injunction by her father, will be stayed for 30 days.

This will allow lawyers for the father of the woman, who has autism, and is identified only as MV, to decide whether to file an appeal.

Calgary Herald reported:

“’The harm to MV if an injunction is granted goes to the core of her being’, Feasby said in his written ruling. ‘An injunction would deny MV the right to choose between living or dying with dignity. Further, an injunction would put MV in a position where she would be forced to choose between living a life she has decided is intolerable and ending her life without medical assistance’.

‘This is a terrible choice that should not be forced on MV, as attempting to end her life without medical assistance would put her at increased risk of pain, suffering and lasting injury’.”

The father had been granted a temporary injunction the day before his daughter’s assisted suicide under MAID was to take place on Feb. 1. Lawyers for the woman seek to have the injunction lifted.

“’The harm to WV if the injunction is not granted will be substantial’, [the Judge] wrote. ‘The pain of losing a child, even an adult child, is not something that any parent should experience. (The parents) have devoted their lives to raising MV from birth and have continued to support her since she has come of age. They will understandably be devastated by her death. For many parents, the loss of a child is a life-changing event that they never truly recover from. The loss is immeasurable’, Feasby said.”

The autistic woman sought MAID last year. She was initially approved by one doctor, but not by a second.

But in Canadistan they will find a way to help you kill yourself. She then sought a third opinion and was given the necessary approval of two physicians to have an assisted death.

“’What I know of your journey through the health-care system from the evidence in this case suggests that you have struggled to find a doctor who could diagnose your condition and offer appropriate treatment’, he said.

‘I do not know why you seek MAID. Your reasons remain your own because I have respected your autonomy and your privacy. My decision recognizes your right to choose medically assisted death; but it does not require you to choose death’.”

Read more:

Culture of Death: After Inserting Abortion in the Constitution, France’s Macron Goes All in for Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide in New Legislative Push


The post CANADISTAN OUT OF CONTROL: Calgary Judge Allows Woman With Autism To Receive Medically Assisted Suicide – Decision Stayed for 30 Days as Her Father Appeals His Ruling appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
