Catherine Engelbrecht Reveals How ‘True the Vote’ and its Army of Volunteers are Cleaning Voter Rolls This Year – MUST SEE Interview with TGP’s Jim Hoft and Patty McMurray (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Catherine Engelbrecht Reveals How ‘True the Vote’ and its Army of Volunteers are Cleaning Voter Rolls This Year – MUST SEE Interview with TGP’s Jim Hoft and Patty McMurray (VIDEO)

Catherine Engelbrecht reveals how True the Vote is cleaning the voter rolls this election cycle to cut down on the massive voter fraud.

Catherine Engelbrecht joined The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft and Patty McMurray this week to discuss True the Vote’s latest efforts to prevent Democrats from stealing the 2024 election with mail-in voter fraud.

Catherine also spoke about her time in prison for exposing the Konnech company, the ballot harvesters in Atlanta, and the late night ballot drops at the TCF Center in Detroit on election night.

In 2020, President Trump was famously leading by wide margins in every single battleground state. That’s when the state officials announced they were going to take the night off for the first time in US history. Within four days, after locking election observers out of the counting rooms, Democrats secured a lead in every single swing state by Saturday thanks to their unlimited supply of mysterious votes.

This year True the Vote launched their IV3.US platform that empowers voters with an automated way to confirm accuracy, identify ineligible records, report findings to local authorities, and stay up to date on the recent changes to your local voter rolls.

Catherine Engelbrecht: I look back at 2020. We recognized early in the year, early in 2020. In fact, we recognized in the fourth quarter of 2019 that some things were happening that were uncommon… Of course, it was revealed that this was under the fog of COVID, we were going to see this push towards mass mail out of ballots and the distribution and deployment of drop boxes all over the country, all funded by Mark Zuckerberg and nearly a half a billion dollars, plus, of course, federal Cares Act money and so forth.

So we saw a lot of newly introduced weaknesses in the process. And one of the funny parts of what happened, not so funny, that may be ironic, I guess, that at the time, it seemed as though the Republican Party’s position was, and it’s typically this, they didn’t want to get involved in fighting back because they don’t like to get involved in primaries, even though what was happening in 2020 wasn’t about a primary, it was about a permanent change to our electoral process.

And so many of those changes went on to be codified, and now it’s just part of the normal process. Dropboxes are normal now. The mass mail out of ballots, although some of it’s been reeled back, it’s still prevalent, far more so than it had been historically. Anyway, all of that happened in 2020, leading into November third and the chaos that ensued.

I think maybe the only good thing to come out of 2020 is that we now have millions more Americans who are engaged, who are asking questions, who are working instructively. And that’s the power. If we can just stay that course, that’s the power that we have to bring and demonstrate at the polls. So So that’s a look back at 2020 for us. Lots of lessons learned and moving them forward. We’re a little older, a little wiser, certainly still as sleep-deprived as ever. But we’ve built a lot of apps and new technology and training and support to bring into 2024.

Catherine on True the Vote’s election integrity efforts this year

Catherine Engelbrecht: We have, I think, four things that are going on that people might be interested in knowing about. And is it okay with you? I’ll just go through them. The first is a simple project. It’s called Scan, Check, Protect. And this is something that anybody Everybody can do. Maybe you don’t want to be a part of a bigger research effort. Totally fine. You can find all of this on our website. What Scan, Check, Protect does is you snap a QR code and it takes you to a page that if you’re not registered to vote, and this is nationwide. If you’re not registered to vote, you can get registered. If you are registered, you can look at your registration and make sure it’s accurate. But the most important part is the protect part. If you have ever moved to a different state from the original state where you were registered, chances are that registration in your previous states is still on the books. Most people think that because we live in modern age, that it should resolve itself and that once you move on and you move all your affairs to another state, that it should be autocorrected, but that’s not the case.

And so what you can do from this page on our website is any state that you lived in previously, go and look up your record. If it’s still there, we give you information on how to have it removed. So that’s a very simple spring cleaning, something that everybody can do, and it’s a great way. If you are just checking on your record, because we have a big project with IV3 going on about cleaning the rolls, but this is just you coming with your record and saying, Hey, I don’t live in the state anymore. Please take me off the rolls. Simple, quick win. So that’s Scan, Check, Protect.

IV3.US takes it another step. And IV3 is for the concerned citizen who’s registered in their county and wants to look at ineligible records. Every state has a different process. Some of those processes aren’t very clearly defined, but every state has somewhat of a process that a voter can submit ineligible records to their county for their review, and then the county can take appropriate action. It’s just another step All with the goal of getting the rules as accurate as they can be before the election.

There’s a deadline involved. And so IV3.US is our most pressing project right now because According to the National Voter Registration Act, which not every state is a part of, but most states are. And according to that standard, states have to lock in their roles 90 days out from an election. And So now is the season for doing all you can to help evaluate roles and to submit your findings to the county.

This is all good news for the country and President Trump!

Please listen to Catherine Engelbrecht discuss her latest efforts to secure the election in 2024.

And please support True the Vote in their ongoing efforts for voter integrity.

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Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.

You can email Jim Hoft here, and read more of Jim Hoft’s articles here.

