Caught Up in a Fed Setup: Charges Dropped Against Patriot Front Group Leader Thomas Rousseau after 22 Duped Recruits Were Found Guilty in Court

In June 2022, 31 members of the Patriot Front group were arrested in Idaho for planning a protest at the Gay Pride rally.

They were traveling to a gay pride event with homemade shields in the back of a Uhaul. They had no other weapons.

31 members of the Patriot Front group were arrested in Idaho in 2022 for planning a protest against the gay rights parade. Their leader, Thomas Rousseau, is circled in red.

They had committed no violence but possibly could have — so they were arrested.

Law enforcement in Idaho admitted they had informants inside the Patriot Front group before the arrests were made.

Since the Patriot front group first appeared, The Gateway Pundit always suspected they had links to the Feds. We were convinced federal agents infiltrated the group.

The Patriot Front group founder, Thomas Rousseau, first made headlines in 2017 when he participated in the famous Tiki Torch march in Charlottesville, Virginia. Now, he is the leader of the Patriot Front.

Thomas Rosseau was able to get his supporters at a training session to pose for a photo that was later published in their forum.  And now it’s public, thanks to Unicorn Riot.

Patriot Front was later organized by Thomas Rousseau in the immediate aftermath of 2017’s Unite the Right march in Charlottesville, VA.

This young man had been previously arrested, as noted below.  The FBI is notorious for taking individuals who have been arrested and then, through threats, the agency persuades them to work with the FBI as informants.


TGP also located some notes related to interviews the Patriot Front has had with potential candidates for the group. In these notes for one individual identified as Gabriel in California, it was revealed that this candidate is a government informant. Four individuals also offer references on the guy.

Below is a composite of the Patriot Front group via XRVision.

The FBI admitted they were “tracking” the group for over a year before the arrests in 2022.

Kyle Becker reported:

The FBI had been tracking the group for more than a year before Coeur d’Alene Police arrested a purported ‘small army’ of members at the Idaho Pride event. According to the Associated Press, among those arrested was Thomas Ryan Rousseau, identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as founder of the group after the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017.

The Rolling Stone published documents that reveal the FBI has been eying the Patriot Front group for over a year back in 2022.

Following the arrests of the 31 Patriot Front members in June 2022, seven members were found guilty in jury trials in 2023.  Another 15 members pleaded guilty. So a total of 22 of the men arrested were found guilty of conspiracy to riot, a misdemeanor.

Patriot Front leader Thomas Rousseau was let off.  As KREM2 reported, his charges were dropped in 2023 for some reason. The Idaho Court Portal does not state why they were dropped.

The local Idaho police turned over the 37 electronic devices and phones over to the FBI after the Patriot Front members were arrested.

Amuse wrote this about the Patriot Front group.

Prosecutors faced significant hurdles when the FBI refused to cooperate, withholding crucial evidence against Rousseau. This non-cooperation led to the dismissal of the case against Rousseau by Judge John Cafferty in November of last year.

Local prosecutors handed over 37 cellphones, cameras, and USB drives belonging to Patriot Front members, totaling 3,500GB of data, to the FBI. After holding these devices for seven months, the FBI refused to return them to prosecutors, making them unavailable to the defense, who believed the devices might contain exculpatory evidence.

Rousseau’s defense attorney was redirected back to city prosecutors, who themselves were being stonewalled by the FBI. Ultimately, local prosecutors informed the judge they lacked the legal authority to compel the FBI to return the evidence. As a consequence of the FBI’s refusal to cooperate, the case against Rousseau was dismissed​. SOURCES: [InvestigateWest] and [IBS]

Local police handed over 37 cellphones, cameras, and USB drives belonging to Patriot Front members, totaling 3,500GB of data, to the FBI. After seven months, the FBI refused to return them to prosecutors, making them unavailable to the defense, who believed the devices might contain exculpatory evidence.

Rousseau’s defense attorney was redirected back to city prosecutors, who were also being stonewalled by the FBI. Local prosecutors informed the judge they lacked the legal authority to compel the FBI to return the evidence, leading to the dismissal of the case.

Given the evidence, it is clear that Thomas Ryan Rousseau is either an asset for the FBI/HSI (in some capacity) or an unwitting patsy used by the federal government to operate a honeypot aimed at entrapping individuals with extremist racist ideologies.

Obviously, it is quite clear that the Patriot Front group has close ties to the federal government.

What the hell is our government doing, setting up innocent Americans in their petty crime schemes?

Who is Thomas Rousseau?


The post Caught Up in a Fed Setup: Charges Dropped Against Patriot Front Group Leader Thomas Rousseau after 22 Duped Recruits Were Found Guilty in Court appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.
