CNN host says NBC News showed ‘double standard’ in McDaniel firing – Washington Examiner

CNN host Fareed Zakaria criticized NBC News for hiring and promptly firing former Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel.

Zakaria appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday to discuss McDaniel’s brief contract that began and ended this past week. MSNBC hosts had voiced their disagreement with McDaniel’s hire over her political views.

“So, really, the question is, how much do you punish her for her past lies?” Zakaria said. While McDaniels raised red flags over the integrity of the 2020 election, Zakaria gave McDaniels credit for agreeing that Joe Biden is the legitimate president. He noted that there remain about 85 million adults who claim they believe the election was rigged.

Fareed Zakaria and Bill Maher discuss Ronna McDaniel’s firing from NBC News:
Zakaria: “How much do you punish her for her past lies? Bill Clinton lied under oath. Last time I checked he’s been on MSNBC. She’s an election denier. Well Stacey Abrams was an election denier and…

— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) March 30, 2024

“You’re going to de-platform 85 million Americans, that’s a lot of people. They say no, it’s not about that it’s that she lied. Well, Bill Clinton lied under oath. Last time I checked he’s been on MSNBC,” Zakaria went on. “They say she’s an election denier. Well, Stacey Abrams was an election denier about her own election, and they’ve had her on.”

According to Zakaria, NBC News could free itself of backlash over the situation if it stuck to the “foundational values of liberalism” and committed to free speech.

“Liberals often trigger backlash when they use illiberal means to get to their ends,” Zakaria said. “Liberal democracy, freedom of speech, the constitution, the way you’re going to defend it, the way you’re going to move it forward is by not cheating, not cutting corners, not having double standards.”


McDaniel’s total time with NBC News lasted four days. She sat for a 20-minute appearance on Meet the Press last Sunday. The network had agreed to a $300,000-a-year contract for two years.

Lara Trump and Michael Whatley replaced Ronna Romney McDaniel as RNC co-chairpersons earlier this year.
