CNN Promotes Blasphemous Easter Day Message From ‘Theologian’ Who Claims ‘God is a Black Woman’ | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

CNN Promotes Blasphemous Easter Day Message From ‘Theologian’ Who Claims ‘God is a Black Woman’

This is CNN.

CNN promoted a blasphemous Easter Sunday message from Christina Cleveland, a ‘theologian’ who claims ‘God is a black woman.’

“When I see the Easter story, I see Jesus being a victim of state-sanctioned violence. I see Jesus surrounded by Black and brown people who wish they could do something, but had no power in the moment,” said Christina Cleveland, author of “God Is a Black Woman.”

“And I see people being victims of a system that can’t see their full humanity and assumes the worst of them. And yet there’s hope in the end,” she said. “The universe does bend toward justice, even though the arc is long.”

“Christina Cleveland spent much of her childhood in an evangelical church surrounded by traditional images of a porcelain-skinned and flaxen-haired Jesus. But one day she came across a portrayal of Christ that was so astonishing that she gasped,” CNN wrote in an article titled, “Was Jesus a man of color? Why this question matters more than ever.”

“It was a painting of a resurrected Jesus surrounded by his awe-struck disciples, including “Doubting Thomas” touching the wound in Christ’s torso. The painting looked like an ancient relic discovered in some long-forgotten desert monastery in the Holy Land, a Byzantine-styled fresco filled with sharply contoured figures, bursting with colors of deep blue and blood orange,” CNN said.

“But it was another color in the picture that caught her eye. Jesus was depicted as a man of color — somewhere between brown and Black — and so were his disciples. Cleveland, who would go on to become a theologian and social psychologist, realized she had always pictured a Nordic-looking Jesus who looked like Thor. Now she realized that he looked more like her, a Black woman,” the outlet said.

The Biden Regime also declared war on Christians this weekend.

Joe Biden issued a blasphemous declaration of ‘Transgender Visibility Day’ on Easter Sunday.

“Devout Catholic” Joe Biden also banned any Christian-themed designs from being submitted to the White House’s Easter-themed art contest.

God help this nation.

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Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.

You can email Cristina Laila here, and read more of Cristina Laila’s articles here.

