Communist Tyrant Maduro Parades Out Political Protesters in Prison Garb and Forces Them to Salute Chavez Like in a Concentration Camp | The Gateway Pundit | by Gateway Hispanic

Communist Tyrant Maduro Parades Out Political Protesters in Prison Garb and Forces Them to Salute Chavez Like in a Concentration Camp

Communist tyrant Nicolas Maduro parades out 75 young protesters in prison suits and forces them to salute Chavez.

Information for this report via Gateway Hispanic.

On Sunday, Venezuelans went to the polls to select a new president.

By Sunday night, the results were clear. Exit polls found that the Venezuelans voted two-to-one to end the communist dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro.

The exit polls had communist tyrant Nicolas Maduro losing in a landslide.

66.6% for opposition leader Edmundo Gonzalez and 30.86% for Nicolas Maduro.

A Chavista worker allegedly posted a selfie from the Computing Center, inadvertently revealing on multiple screens the overwhelming defeat of Nicolás Maduro in several states.

But on Monday, Maduro announced he was the clear winner. And on Tuesday he called for the arrest of the two leading opposition figures.

And by Thursday, the communist tyrant announced the construction of two maximum-security prisons where he will use the prisoners to build roads in the country.

Nicolas Maduro (translated): I have decided to create these two maximum security prisons for all the new generation gangs that are involved in the Guarimba (riots) and the criminal attack.

And there will be no forgiveness or contemplation. Within the framework of the constitution, within the framework of the laws, and to make a bet to see if these maximum security prisons achieve re-education and turn them into productive farms that can produce, that can work, as they did in those days, when they took them out to make roads, do you remember? Well, there is a long way to go to make roads, right?

Maduro added that 1,200 arrests have already been made and he is looking for 1,000 more individuals.”

On Friday video was released of Maduro parading 75 political prisoners dressed in their prison suits who were arrested for protesting the fraudulent election results.

The political prisoners all had to salute Chavez like in a concentration camp.

Notice the similarities between the Maduro regime and Democrats.

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