Congresswoman: Bidens are ‘Most Corrupt Family Ever in a Position of Power’ | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

Congresswoman: Bidens are ‘Most Corrupt Family Ever in a Position of Power’

Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY)

This article originally appeared on

Guest by post by Bob Unruh 

‘A level that is so far beyond what we’ve seen with previous political leaders’

U.S. Rep. Harriet Hageman, R-Wyo., says the Biden family, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and the rest, are corrupt.

In fact, more corrupt than anyone in American politics before. Ever.

“I believe that this is the most corrupt family ever in a position of power in this country’s history,” she said in a recent interview with Cowboy State Daily.

“We’re talking about a level of corruption that is so far beyond what we’ve seen with previous political leaders.”

Her comments came shortly after she was part of a House grilling of Hunter Biden in members’ investigation into whether Joe Biden committed impeachable offenses.

Hageman was chosen by her state’s voters in a literal landslide to replace the ejected Rep. Liz Cheney in the last election.

Cheney had not only the tenure in Congress that should have given her an election advantage, but her powerful name in GOP circles.

But she had one failing: she was explicitly, ardently and emphatically an enemy of President Donald Trump, colluding with Democrats and ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to release a narrative about the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol that targeted Trump with blame.

The report explained Hageman confirmed the interview of Hunter Biden included questions about his status as a crack cocaine addict – while he was serving on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma on a salary of about $1 million a year.

The report noted, “Hageman said she found Hunter Biden’s deposition enlightening in that he was actively battling substance abuse addictions while actively serving Burisma, to the full knowledge of his fellow board members, all while his father was serving as vice president of the United States.”

She and others have accused Biden of being corrupted by foreign interests through what has been described as an inluence peddling business set up by the family. In return for millions of dollars, those foreign interests would gain “access” to Biden, as vice president for Barack Obama and then as president. He often talked with participants in Hunter Biden’s financial deals.

House investigators have confirmed the Bidens took in millions of dollars.

Hageman was suspicious of the huge payments by Burisma to Hunter Biden, whose father then was handling U.S.-Ukraine policy for Obama.

“Who pays someone with these kinds of admitted raging addictions $1 million a year to be on a board in a country where you don’t even speak the language? You don’t pay a crackhead $1 million a year to be on a board in a foreign country unless you’re getting something for it.”

The Bidens repeatedly have claimed Joe Biden was not “financially” involved in Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

“I know that he’s suffering from dementia and that’s part of the issue, but I think part of the issue is that he (President Biden) is a liar,” Hageman revealed.

Much of Hageman’s questioning of Hunter Biden focused on his cocaine addiction and the results.

“Hageman asked Biden if he had a fiduciary responsibility to inform the company about his addiction. Biden returned the question to Hageman, asking her if every person in recovery or active addiction to alcohol should immediately resign from their jobs,” the report said.

Hageman told the publication, “He had a fiduciary obligation to inform them, everybody understands that. You can’t be a raging crack addict and expect to make $1 million a year on a board when you’re stoned out of your gourd.”

Hunter Biden actually is facing federal gun charges over the addiction issue, since he bought a firearm stating that he was not under the influence of drugs. However, in his book he confirmed that at the time of the purchase, he was addicted. Lying on that federal form is a crime.

She also cited, during the interview, what many see as a full assault on President Donald Trump by a weaponized federal government.

She said none of the 91 criminal charges against Trump, in several different cases, is legitimate.

“We cannot have a justice system that treats Hunter Biden one way and Donald Trump Jr. a different way. We will not survive as a republic, it will tear this country apart.”

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